Rei ||New Years Kiss

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You and your best friend, Rei Ryugazaki decided to travel to New York, so you can show Rei how New Years in the big apple was celebrated. You excepted it to a wonderful experience for Rei since he's never been out of Japan.

Rei was excited to see your hometown and explore your customs and traditions. But so far things were getting off to a sour start. First off your guys flight was delayed because of snow storms. Second off, the hotel you booked called you the morning of your flight and told you that it was being closed for renovation.

"I can't believe this" You grumbled, sitting in the waiting chair of the airport, the smell of leather suitcases giving you a headache. "It's not that bad..." Rei said, nervously, trying to cheer you up. "Yes it is, Rei its New Years Eve in New York right now, if we're not there by 12:00 this will be a waste of a trip" You explained.

"I see" Rei said, sitting back in his chair. "I'll be right back" You said, getting up. Rei sighed, as he saw you walking to the information desk for the 100th time. To be honest, Rei didn't care if you guys didn't see the ball drop. He just wanted to spend time with you, and maybe finally ask you out.

But he can't do that with you so stressed out. "Ok great news, our flight is leaving in two hours" You said, sighing happily, sitting back down. Rei looked at his watch and bit his lip, "Um, (Y/n)?" He asked, looking at you.

"Hm? What's up?" You replied. "It's 7:00" He said, cautiously. "Ok...?" You said, confused on what Rei was implying. "It takes 14 hours to get to New York from Japan. If our flight leaves at 9:00, we will get there in time for New Years. But I don't think we'll make it to Time Square" Rei explained, looking for any change in emotion on your face.

"Ok, what time would we get there?" You asked, looking at the ceiling, praying for a reasonable answer. Rei thought for a minute calculating the hours with the time, "10:00" He finally said, looking at you again.

You laughed a breathy laugh, "You scared me for a minute there Rei. I thought you were gonna say 11:59 or something. We're getting there 2 hours before, we'll be fine" You said. Rei shook his head, "No, we still have to look for a hotel. And didn't you say it gets really hard to get a hotel during the holidays?" Rei asked.

You slumped in your chair, you were gonna suggest you go to your parents house but they just moved to Philadelphia, last year. You tried to think of any relatives or friends that won't mind you staying. After what seemed like a hour of thinking you sighed in defeat, "We'll... figure something out".

-In New York-

"Ok we're here, what's the plan?" Rei asked. "We look for a hotel" You said, a glint of determination in your eyes.

Hotel after hotel, would've been glad enough to take your money but just didn't have enough room. You walked out of the hotel and over to Rei. "So lemme guess, no room?" Rei asked. You leaned your forehead on his chest, "Yeah..." You said, tears clouding your vision.

"Well, let's go look for another hotel. There has to be one with a little room" Rei said, scanning the area. You shook your head, "What's the point? It's 11:55, there's no way we'll make it to Time Square. And even if we could, with our luggage? I don't think so" You said, letting a few tears fall.

You started to shake with sobs, the tears cascading down your face, unable to stop. Rei looked down at you shocked, "(Y/n)..." He started. "I just wanted this to be perfect. I wanted you to experience something new and it backfired! Why does the universe hate me?!" You sobbed.

Rei didn't know what to say, he just lifted your head up and hugged you close to his chest. You stopped crying, mostly out of shock but also because of the rhythmic thumping of Rei's heart.

Badump... badump... badump...

You could suddenly hear the people at Time Square, shouting the countdown:


Rei lifted you chin, and kissed you passionately, holding your face in his hands. Shocked, you looked at Rei with big eyes but slowly closed your eyes and kissed back. You could hear the people cheering for the New Year, but you honestly didn't care anymore.

Rei pulled away from the kiss, leaving you a little disappointed. He chuckled, and got down on one knee, your heart stopped. You looked at Rei with big eyes once again, "Before you get excited, this is not a marriage proposal. But, I do you want you to make me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend" Rei said, pulling out a gray box and opening it to reveal a beautiful silver promise ring.

You started crying again but this time out of happiness, you laughed and nodded as Rei slipped the ring on your finger. You embraced him tightly, "Maybe the universe doesn't hate me that much...".

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