seven - cotton candy

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i asked my best friend what made her smile, and instead of saying ''you ana, your friendship makes me smile'' she said it was cotton candy

i still love her tho

posting a chapter at 5.22 AM is what happens when you can't sleep because you slept too much on the day before, take this as an advice kids-who-are-obviously-older-than-me


It was January by now, the beginning of it. Luke spent his vacations with Michael and Calum playing video games online so they wouldn't have to go over each others houses. Sure, their mothers said the old words they listen to every holiday about hwo they should meet up and get out of the house, but it's hard when you get constantly sick with colds.

School started three days ago, it was on a Wednesday - an odd day to start school but it's not like they can do anything. They decided to go out on Saturday since there was the annual fair, the circus comes to town and there is cotton candy, popcorn and all kinds of candy actually. The fair is mainly made for children, since they are teenagers it isn't so much fun.

''Hey man.'' Michael said when they met up at the gate, he had a weird smell but Luke just let it go ''Do you want to do something around here?''

''Eh I don't know.'' he replied ''Have you guys inspected what's in there? Something good?''

''Not really.'' Calum said in a low voice, he seemed sick ''Just the normal stuff. Mainly for kids, but I did see Ashton walking around with his brother Harry.''

Calum smirked at how Lukes face lit up when Ashton's name was mentioned. He thought it was cute how much affection his friend showed for a person he didn't know or didn't know that well. It was sweet and a nice gesture, you can't find that so easily.

As Luke went to buy their tickets Calum pushed Michael aside and grabbed his jacket, smelling it. He pushed him away with a disgusted face, Calum simply hated that smell.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Michael said with a laugh "I know that I smell amazing, like Zeus' butt probably, but that's too much."

"I don't want that kind of essence on my clothes, thank you very much." Calum replied with a laugh interrupted by a sneeze "You're doing it again, aren't you?"

Michael looked at him with his eyes widened, he tried to form words but nothing came out.

"How did you find out?" he breathed out and Calum shrugged.

"Let's just say that maybe you should use a stronger perfume next time."

Michael nodded and was going to say something but Luke arrived with their tickets on his hands.

The blonde boy smiled brightly at his friends and whispered "I think I saw a llama giving birth."


Luke had already won a teddy bear from one stand and a mug from other. Several parents were walking around with their kids, some struggling to walk since they were being pushed around and another ones were pretty calm. The fourteen year old thought it was a cute sight but didn't want to admit.

He looked around and saw there was only Michael beside him reading some new online about a movie but Calum wasn't there. He looked again and saw the Scottish boy was talking to Ashton next to Jungle Juices. Calum looked at him for a second, he swung his head to the side a bit telling Luke to come over.

"Hey, Mike, I'm going there."

"You're not pointing any- oh, you're going to meet up with lover boy." Michael smirked "Take some cotton candy for him."

"Why... why would I take cotton candy for him?"

"Everyone loves cotton candy."

Luke thought it was a good answer and got up. He walked to the stand next to them and bought cotton candy not tearing his eyes apart from Ashton and Calum. Luke payed the man and grabbed his cotton candy, thanking him and wishing a nice day. (He still thought that if he wasn't polite his mother would come after him with a wooden spoon. It happened once and he wouldn't be surprised if it happened again.)

He jogged to where Ashton and Calum were carefully to not drop the candy. Michael was watching them from the place he was before, he always thought Luke was a weird guy.

"Hey." Luke said while trying to breath correctly.

Ashton looked at him and blushed, "Are you okay?" he asked, giving Luke a timid smile.

Luke felt weak on that moment, Ashton is his weak spot. It was even worse when he realised the boy was wearing the sweater he gave him.

"I'm fine, thank you. I um, see you liked the sweater."

Ashton looked down at his sweater and blushed "It's my favourite, actually. Th-thank you for that, y-you didn't have to."

"But I wanted to, and you look amazing on it." Ashton giggled and Luke laughed with him "I brought you cotton candy."

"O-oh? You didn't have to..."

"But I wanted to." the blonde simply said, he gave Ashton the candy who was hesitant to take it.

"I love cotton candy, how did you know that?"

Luke remembered Michael's words and put his hands on his pockets "Everyone loves cotton candy."

And maybe they were so lost in each other they didn't even notice Calum leaving.



it's the last chapter of the year gaaah it went by so fast! i feel like i was postingthe first chapter of 'Lost Boy' yesterday

Question: what are your plans for 2016?

mine are: entering a wattpad contest like the lashton awards or bromance awards, post my first cover with my bandmates, stop being a dumbhead and post new story ideas (*whispers* soon)


with love, ana

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