My first day (part 1) (Edited)

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After niall showed me my room last night, I went to bed. I just laid there till I fell asleep, and once I did, it wasn't pretty, I woke up crying silently with sweat all over me.

I didn't bother waking anyone up, because I would surly get beaten If I did. So I eventually went back to sleep and woke up, that brings us to the present.
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, I didn't take a shower or use any water though because they hadn't told me my limit on water yet and I didn't want to use it all today and become dehydrated. 

I stayed in my clothes that I've been wearing because I didn't want to wear the clothes in the closet, they were to nice to be worn by me.

I walked downstairs to find all of the boys in the kitchen, Harry was making breakfast for the boys, Niall was sitting at the table, Louis was in the living room attached to the kitchen, Liam was with Louis, but where was Zayn? I looked side to side and didn't see him I went to turn around and ran in to something falling backwards. I looked up to see Zayn looking at me with any amused smile, I've seen that smile one to many times "I'm sorry sir, please don't hurt me " I said covering my face. "Addy calm down babe, im not going to hurt you, it was my fault " I didn't believe him I kept my head down, "Addison look at me " I reluctantly did as told, I looked up to see his hand in front of my face, I flinched "Addison, I'm just helping you up, it's okay " i nodded shakily and hesitantly grabbed his hand. He pulled me up, "thank you sir " "no problem " he smiled.

"Breakfast is ready! " Harry yells I flinched at his tone but act as if nothing happened. Everyone came in and sat down, the food looked so good, but I had to wait until tomorrow, tomorrow was Sunday. They all start eating and I just stood there awkwardly. All the suddenly I hear Niall talking "Addison, aren't you going to eat? " I looked at him confused. "But, sir it's Saturday" I say quietly, hoping he didn't take notice in the fact that I talked back. "I know it's Saturday, what does that have to do with anything?" Is he crazy? Worthless sluts like me only are alowwed food on Sundays. "I'm only alowwed to eat on Sundays, except if you don't want me to sir, I can skip this week's half of sandwich if you would like, I mean no disrespect sir " I added the end quickly, hoping he doesn't hurt me for talking back. "Addison horan, you mean to tell me that you eat half a sandwhich a week and sometimes don't even get that?!?" I could tell he was angry, probably because I don't even deserve that. I feel tears welling in my eyes but I fight them off. "yes sir, I'm sorry, I know I don't even deserve that, I won't eat at all sir, I'm sorry for my inconvenience." I didn't eat last sunday cause' I was bad, I guess I won't eat this week either. The thought of no more food at all brings an unwilling tear down my cheek.

"Addison Ambercrombie Horan, that is not what I meant! And why in god's name would you think you don't deserve food?! " He yells. I'm screwed, he's probably going to have his friends help him beat me. This is how I die. He gets up forcefully and walks over to me, by now I was shaking, I don't bother fighting back the silent stream of tears that are flowing out of my eyes.

He forcefully grabs my arm and I whimper in pain, but I know it's going to get worse. He pulls me to a chair and forces me to sit. I remember last time this happened....


"You fucking worthless peice of shit" Master yells at me dragging me to one of the kitchen chairs, I knew what was going to happen and I knew the rules, I had spilled my water everywhere and Master got pissed, which is what led me here. 

He slammed me down in the chair making me whimper and yelp in pain; he smiled in satsfactory, as he the pulled out the ropes , I did the rutein reluctently. I put my arms straight on the arm rest and spread my legs and alined them with the chair legs. He tied them tightly it hurt really bad.

He left the room for a split second and came back in with siccors and a whip. He took the sciccors and cut my raggy dress off so that I was left in my under garmets. I held back tears as he crakced the whip down on my body multiple times, "I'M SORRY MASTER! PLEASE!" I screamed in pain and he was laughing in amusment. "I DIDNT MEAN TO SPILL THE WATTER IM SORRY MASTER, PLEASE HAVE MERCY! please! please" I cry, my body was covered in blood and it felt like someone had lit me on fire. He stopped and put he whip down he then came over to me and cut my undergarmets off, then taking off his, I cried and begged him to stop but it was to late, pretty soon I blacked out.

*Flashback End*

I felt a hand shaking my shoulder, Master wasn't done with me, kill me please, " I'm sorry Master, I'm sorry, please no more, I'm sorry" I cried shaking violently. "Shhhh Addy, sweetheart calm down I'm right here, please honey open your eyes" it was a trap, as soon as I open my eyes he's probably going to start using the whip again. "Addison open your eyes please cupcake" I heard a differant voice say. I started crying harder, Master must have brought his friends. "Addison open your eyes...NOW" I heard a stern voice say. I force my eyes open to see Niall right in front of me, he didn't look mad anymore, he looked worried and sad, but why?

"Addy, sweetheart are you okay?" I nod "yes sir, I'm sorry" he looks at me suprised. "What on earth are you sorry for princess?" he asked confused. " For being bad and not making you happy, sir, I really am sorry, I promise I'll stay in my place from now on" I say looking down. "Sweety, you don't need to be sorry, there's no reason to be sorry, okay?" He says softly. I nod " yes sir" he smiles, "okay, so what does everyone want to do?"

"MOVIES!" Louis screams running around the kitchen, I really want to laugh but I don't want to get in trouble. "Okay movies it is, Zayn go pick out a few movies for us all to to choose from" Liam says, and Zayn walks into the Family Room looking through a cabnet.

" Addy, can you help me make popcorn?" I nod "yes sir" I make the popcorn as fast as I can while Harry gets out bowls.I dump the popcorn into the six bowls on the counter. Wait...six? Maybe they'll let me have so- no they would'nt do that, Niall is probably going to eat two bowls. I sigh and walk to the living room to hand out the freshily made popcorn.


A/N helllllooooo! It's me! This is the second time I've uploaded a chapter today :) please tell me watcha think!! Tanks c:

A/N I have just edited this chapter on my own, please notify me if you see

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