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*Addison's dream* 

It's dark, but i know where I am, the strong scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke is unmistakable. I'm masters house. My legs are involuntary moving towards the living room.

He's right there, staring at me, his eyes are filled with anger, hate, and other emotions that i can't tell apart. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! " i kept my mouth shut and my head low. "I ASKED YOU A FUVKING QUESTION YOU DUMB SLUT! " he said yanking my head by my hair causing me to squeal just alittle. " i- im -ermm in r-ran away " in answer softly. He slaps me causing me to fall backwards.

He takes of his belt and begins beating me with it "NIALL! HARRY! SOMEBODY please! " i scream. "there *slap* never going *slap* to help *SLAP* you!" master screams. he stops when theres a knock at the door. master opens it to see all five boys standing there "we heard screaming, weve heard these screams before and they sounded like addisons" niall says concerned. maybe they will help me!? he continued talking "and we were wondering is we could join you?" WHAT?! i knew they didnt care. master nods and smirks " i told you no one will ever love you, let alone care , you little rat! now its time to learn your place !" he snarles . they all 6 walk towards me and start hitting me and whipping me, the pain was unbearable. "PLEASE! IVE LEARNED MY PLACE" I Scream using up my oxygen. everything starts to go black....

*dream over* 

i hear people talking and felt someone shaking me, oh my god i overslept! i immediatly open my eyes and jump out of bed, feeling alittle dizzy for a second. i look to see all the boys staring at me, i need to apoligize before they get mad. "i'm so sorry sirs, i didnt mean to oversleep, i'll get started right away" liam looks at me the most confused, if anyone should be confused it should be me i mean im notcomplaining or anything but why ahvent they hit me or yelled yet?.

liam starts to talk "you didnt oversleep, we just woke you up cause you were screaming, and started on what?" okay WOW. either hes testing me, or- WAIT if i was screaming that means i probably woke THEM up. oh my god im going to die. " i apologize, i really am sorry for waking you up with my obnoxious screams, i will take whatever punishment you give me, i will stay in my place and try not to do it again and started on my morning chores sir, again i am sorry" i kept my head down , yesterday they didnt hurt me, which means theyll probably be super hard on me today, my stupid nightmare has me off to a bad start. "addison, come here please?" zayn said. here it goes, hopefully they wont beat me as bad as they did in my dream.

i walk timidly towards zayn stopping in front of him. "you dont have any 'morning chores' addy, okay, and you dont have to call any of us sir okay, babygirl?" babygirl? okay...... 

i nod. " me and the lads are going to go shopping, liam is going to stay here with you" niall says. i nod. all i can think of is what liams going to do to me as my punishment while there gone . i gulp as images fly across my mind.

all the lads leave my room and leave just liam and me. i dont know what hes going to do, all i know is he looks pretty strong to me. i cant take the curiosity anymore, i decide to ask what hes going to do. pushing back tears i start to talk in a small shaky voice "m-mister pay-payne" i say trying to get his attention , hes sitting in a chair beside my bed his head snaps towards me "yeah?" he asks curiously. "w-what is me -my p-punishment f-f-for waking you up?" i ask nervously, i mean id rather get it done and over with. he wraps his arms around me and i tense up immediatly but i soon relax a little. "addy your not in trouble, you did absolutly nothing wrong sweet heart, why dont go downstairs and get some breakfast?" i can name a whole list of things ive done wrong, but id rather not get in trouble if i dont have to. i nod and follow him downstairs.


A\N Sorry for such a short chapter, i amd suuuuppeer tired it like 4 30 in the morning. LOL anyway thanks for reading my little llamacorns! vote comment or whatever thanks hope you.enjoyed it. and if you didn't GOOD FOR YOU! xD byeeeee

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