Liam Part 2

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*liams POV*

after addy went to sleep i went downstairs and watched tv until the boys came home with groceries, and a few more outfits for addison.

"how did it go?" i ask the others. "if you count not getting mobbed , than it went fabulouis!" louis said setting a few bags on the counter."wheres addison?" zayn askd curiosity filling his voice. "asleep, but speaking of addison, we need to talk."okay" they chorused and we went to the living room and sat down where i began to tell them about addison....

*addisons POV* ~DREAMING~

"you fucking rat! i told you i wanted a COLD beer!" he shouted at me, spit flying all over my face, but im to scared to wipe it away though. "i- i um- we d-did'nt have any cold sir" he scoffs , " maybe thats because a little SLUT didn't put any in the refridgerater! isn't that right rat?" i didn't answer, he slapped me across the face, HARD might i add, "isn't that right, RAT?" he states through gritted teeth.

"y-yes master" i chuckles coldly. "maybe i need to teach you a lesson?" i gulp on the brink of tears. "no master p-please, i beg of you" i whimper as he out of the room to get something

all the sudden i feel im being shaken as the reality im in starts to fade away.


*liams POV* (sorry for all the switches in this chapter)

As i finished telling the boys they all had watery eyes except niall. He was crying like a tsunami was flowing out of his eyes. all of a sudden we heard whimpers from uspatiars , we all quickly ran up there to see addison crying in her sleep curled up in a small ball.

i looked at the others and we all walked over the bed, me and niall sitting on it and the others on the surrounding chairs. i

gently shake her shoulder trying to wake her up, "addy, addison, honey, wake up" i continue bshaking her shoulders until her eyes snap open with fright as she sits up straight quickly and looks around the room at all of us, terror clouding her face.

"i-im sorry, p-please dont h-hurt me" she said curling into a protective ball. i sigh , about talk but niall cut me off. "princess, we would NEVER, not in a million years hurt you, NEVER" Niall says stern but gentle. she seems to loosen up alittle, but that was enough for me to pull her into my embrace, she cried into my shirt. "sshhh, its okay, your okay " i cooed.

"can you tell us what happened sweethear?" i asked as she started to calm down. she nods, "i-i had a b-bad dream mister payne, i know its stupid, im really sorry" she adds the last part quickly in fright, shrinking back allitle in fright. "its not stupid, princess, nothing you say or do is stupid, and quit saying your sorry, unless you did something wrong, baby girl, okay?" niall says she nods silently. niall smiles warmly, opening his arms to allow her to crawl into them, she hessitates and looks at him for reassurance he nods still smiling, she slowly goes into his welcoming embrace. his bright blue eyes shining bright even though there red and puffy.

i wish this moment would last forever............................but unfortunitly it didn't even last long....


A/N HEYYOO i would like to dedicate this chaptah to Dancer2005 ! if it wasnt for this lovely wattpad user i would not have updated! so thank you! i have been really busy lately , my brother just got out of the hospital with a third degree burn and everything is CHAOS! but anyway, sorry for the short chapter, its 4am right now. but anyway thank you once again Dancer2005 :)

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