Chapter Twenty-One

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Mal's POV:

I uncovered my face and saw that Luke was on the little couch just a few steps away.

I frowned because I knew that Ashton and my fight just broke him down. I don't blame him, it kinda broke me down as well. I just stared at him until his breathing slowed.

"Goodnight, babe." I whispered, knowing he couldn't hear me.

I laid there for a fee minutes then I was wanting to watch TV. I pulled the remote to me and turned it on. I turned the volume down just a bit so I would wake up Luke.

I decided that I've watched enough news, and so I turned on MTV. I smiled as I saw the interview we were just at.

"Well actually, Mal was going to sing." Luke's said. I smiled at the memory.

Then I watched myself get up nervously, and look down at the crowd. The music started and I sang. Oh my goodness!

I couldn't lose the smile that was on my face. I could actually sing, and it was really exciting to hear it.

My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing in my purse beside me. I forgot I had that thing! I pulled out my phone and it was unknown. But I still answered.

"Hello?" I said quietly into the phone.

"Mallory? This is Dan!" I heard the familiar voice say.

"Hey Dan!" I exclaimed, but not to loud.

"I heard what happened. And we'll get started after you and your lads have recovered. Okay?" He said.

"Yes sir."

"Please, call me Dan. Oh! Before we get ahead of ourselves would you like me to explain now what I want you to do, or would you like a meeting?" He asked. I pondered for a few seconds.

"A meeting would be nice, and it doesn't matter when it is." I inferred.

"Well, when will you be out of the hospital?"

"Sometime tomorrow I believe."

"Well if you get out tomorrow, call me and we will arrange a meeting, okay?"

"Okay Dan! And I want to thank you for this appurtunity, it really means a lot!"

"Anything for you, darling! Now I need to go, Justin Bieber has just come back from his break." We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I watched my smile appear as I finished my performance, and I just had a great feeling that I was just going to be so successful one day.


I woke up, not even remembering that I fell asleep. Luke was up and on his phone. I stretched and he came to my side.

"Sleep well?" He asked, just trying to start a conversation.

"I did. I saw the interview on TV last night." I smiled and he returned one.

"Did you watch your performance? I thought you did pretty amazing." I wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh.

"Yes I did, and honestly I thought I did really well, except at the beginning when I was nervous." He chuckled and the nurse walked in.

"Good -oh my gosh!" Her hand made it over her hand as she stared at us two. I noticed that she wasn't the nurse we had yesterday, and she seemed like a fan!

"Your Luke Hemmings, and your Mallory Hargrove." Luke gave her a smile and a shrug, and I gave her a nod.

"I watched you guys live yesterday, and, Mallory, you did great!" I gave her a big smile and thanked her.

"Anyways, getting back to my job, I was suppose to come in and tell you that you were able to go home. We also provided your friends with pain medicine and they went home about midnight last night." She informed us. I nodded thinking that Ashton probably made them go with him.

I sorta frowned and she handed me the pain medicine. I took it and she unhooked me for all the machines, and I stood up.

I gasped staring down at my white dress, and it was covered in blood. I looked at my shoes and they weren't as bad.

"I don't even remember bleeding this bad!!" I screeched and Luke laughed.

"I was thinking about a girls worst period!" I laughed and the nurse laughed and fluttered her eyes towards him. Oh hell no!

I put my shoes on and grabbed Luke's hand and intertwined our fingers. She scold me and I walked out of the room. I wobbled a bit, and Luke held me firmly.

We checked out and I pulled my purse over my shoulder. My phone rang and it was Dan.

"Hey Dan!!" I exclaimed, as Luke lead me to the side of the road and we waited for a taxi, I guess.

"Hey, love! So are you out of the hospital?" He sounded like he was in a good mood today.

"I am, but I need to ggo home and change because I kinda look like a zombie at the moment!" I heard Luke chuckle and my response and Dan was quiet.

"Well, can we make the meeting around 1PM?" He asked. I looked at the time...9:30..

"Um, sure! If I don't make it by then, then call me because something has went wrong!" I laughed and he gave a small chuckle.

"Okay love! I'll see you when you make it, and my address is on that card, and I'll send you a text if you lost the card!"

"Okay, Dan! See you later!" We hing up and a car pulled up. It looked like Calum's car...Oh cause it is his car.

I smiled at myself and got in the back. Calum smiled at us, and I returned a smile.

"Have fun?" He joked.

"No. The nurse was all flirty and it pissed me off!" I said and Luke laughed.

"Someone's jealous!" He continued laughing.

"Well duh!!"

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