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"Your dad's doing really well, Michael. Ever since you came to see him, he's been totally different. All he's done is talk about you. 'Have you seen my son? Isn't he just amazing?' He used to never talk to the doctors, but now he's opened up. You're really helping him." Macy told Michael as he signed his name at the front desk.

"Do you think he'll be able to get out? I know it's going to take while, but I don't want him to be here forever." Michael said lightly, putting the pen down.

"If you keep visiting him, I think he'll be out soon. Remember, he's here because of his depression. You're his ray of sunshine, Michael." The brown-haired nurse told him, and it lifted Michael's spirits a bit.

"Thanks, Macy." He told her and she gave him a small nod before he returned to Luke.

"Should I be nervous about meeting your dad?" He asked, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"No, he's a great guy. We have so much catching up to do, and I want you to be part of it." Michael told him, lacing his fingers through Luke's.

They waited for a bit, Luke yawning and resting his head on Michael's shoulder. He took note on the way Luke's nose crinkled whenever he yawned.

"Clifford and Hemmings." Macy called, and Luke rubbed his eyes before standing up, pulling Michael.

They made their way done the hall, and each step for Luke became harder and harder.

He was afraid of Michael's dad hating him like his own did. What if he didn't accept Luke and Michael? Michael just got his dad back, and Luke didn't want to be the reason he lost him.

Macy opened the door, and Luke's eyes fell upon the man already sitting at the plastic table. Michael had so many similarities to the man in front of him, it wasn't hard to see the resemblance.

"This is Luke, dad." Michael said as the door shut behind them, squeezing Luke's hand. Daryl gestured for them to sit down, and Michael pulled Luke to the chairs.

"You're Michael's boyfriend?" He asked an eyebrow, and Luke nodded nervously.

"Nice to meet you son, I'm Daryl." He gave him a goofy smile, and Luke instantly relaxed. He was so much like Michael, his light attitude easy to be comfortable around. It was a Clifford charm, as Mr. Clifford had once joked.

"Michael told me so much about you the other day, I'm glad I get to see the face behind the name." He smiled, and Luke returned it.

A small blush crept up onto Luke's cheek. He wondered what Michael had told his father.

"You're son makes great coffee." Luke grinned, and Michael snorted.

"I bet he sucks at making coffee . The Clifford boys should never be allowed near any kitchen appliances whatsoever." Daryl chuckled, and Michael rolled his eyes.

"You're so annoying." Michael complained, setting hand on Luke's thigh.

"That's just what dads do."

"Kaylee you update too much"
"I know, fight me."
jk don't fight me ily

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