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It was the day of their wedding. Christina arrived at the small chapel that was chosen for it's location on the outskirts of where they lived.  She was extra early, because she didn't want Adam or any of the guys to see her until she came down the isle. Randy was there and helped her get ready also. He brought her a beautiful tiara that went with the vail to cover the something new.  Her best friend gave her a blue gem stone bracelet and her mother put an old pearl necklace around her neck. Her hair was done and makeup was last. She got tears in her eyes as she became emotional.

"See that's why makeup is done last," the makeup artist said, dabbing at her own eyes with a tissue.

"I'll go out and see if they're just about ready out there," Randy said.

Squaring her shoulders Christina said, "okay no more tears, let's get my face painted."

They were just finishing her lips, when Randy peaked his head in. "Okay they're ready.  Ron Fair is waiting here in the hall, to give you away."

The women left to get seated and Christina took Ron's arm. She was nervous and hoped that Adam would like how she looked.  

"You look lovely Christina. I'm proud of you for opening your heart again and finding love," Ron praised.

"Thank you for doing this for me. You're like the father I always wished I'd had."

"Adam can't take his eyes off you.  He loves you like no one else ever has or will." Ron then gave her over to Adam who was looking at her intensely.

They stood before the minister, in the presence of their closest friends and family.  The minister said his speech and then Christina and Adam faced each other and said personal vows.  Once done, the rings were exchanged and then they were finally pronounced husband and wife.  

"You may kiss your wife," the minister pronounced.

Adam dipped her and gave her a long, passionate kiss.  It had more emotion in that one kiss than he'd ever felt before.  Her eyes sparkled and the look in them, made him know that they would be together forever.

"Mommy and Adam are married, yippee!"  Max shouted, running up to hug them both.

Adam picked up the little boy, who was now his step-son.  "So you like that do you?" And he grinned when Max nodded his head so hard, it looked like it would fall off his body.

Blake's voice boomed over everyone else, "it's about damn time you tied the knot!"

Cee-lo added, "now you two just need a dessert island and you can make that super baby."

Max said it best, "I want a baby brother or sister too, just not yet."

Everyone laughed and Adam winked at Christina. Then he said,  "we're celebrating at my house, so everyone is welcome to come over."

They took a few pictures with their family and friends. Then Adam walked with Christina back to her dressing room so that she could change into normal clothing.  He regretted that she couldn't announce to the world about being married to him.  But they both knew it wasn't the right time.  "I'm sorry you can't show off how stunning you look in that wedding dress.  Or that you can't wear your rings in public."

"Adam it's okay, my heart has been yours for a long time and now it's just officially on paper.  I'll show off once we announce the 'engagement' to the world after touring is over.  This wedding we just had, was more endearing than any big extravaganza."

He pulled her into a long kiss.  "I meant every word of my vows and I'll show you every day of your life how much I love you."

She smiled and gazed up into his eyes with devotion and adoration, "my heart sings every time you touch me, look at me and say my name.  It's going to be hard to be away from you on tour. But while we are both in the US, we'll have our secret rendezvous."

"Woman I love how you think.  Now let's get you out of that dress and join our friends and family at my house," Adam said.  "We could get a tattoo together," Adam joked.

"Not our names, but that's not a bad idea.  That's something we would always have close to us," Christina agreed.

Adam and Christina discussed the tattoo all the way to his house, once she had changed.  He carried her over his threshold and everyone cheered.  They talked to their family about the tattoo idea and Michael, Adam's brother said he was good friends with someone who knew Ami James and Chris Garver.  They were talented tattoo artists.   He'd talk to them and see what they could come up with.

The rest of the night they partied and celebrated.  Adam put Max to bed in the guest room, guarded of course by Frankie.  It wasn't until the very early am, when people got cabs to go home.  When the last person finally left, the newly weds locked the door and sighed.  Adam took Christina by the hand and they stood on his balcony looking up at the stars.

Christina  touched his face, looking up at the man who had changed her world, "Adam thank you for loving me and for everything. Our souls are one forever."

He looked down into her eyes, "Christina, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm glad that officially you're all mine. So wife, what's for breakfast?"

Her laughter rang out into the night air and it was the best thing he'd ever heard.


THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now