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Christina wore black skinny jeans and a dark blue bustier under a black fitted blazer. She wore her hair up, with strands of hair framing her face and falling out of the up-do. Entwined in her hair was a string of tiny diamonds, that sparkled when the studio lights hit it. She wore a necklace with a pendant that stopped short of her breasts. She wasn't on time, but she wasn't as late as everyone expected her to be and earlier than usual. Still she was the last to arrive. The make-up crew went to work as soon as she was in her judge's chair.

Cee-Lo whistled at her, "sexy mamma on set today!"

Blake added, "if I wasn't in love with Miranda, you'd be a close contender Christina."

"Awe, guys thanks! You're making me blush." But it was Adam's reaction she waited for.

His eyes had followed her in and he raised an eyebrow at her. "All of Victoria's models, pale in comparison to your beauty today."

"Adam, that was a good line. I'm going to use it. Does that usually work on the ladies?" Cee-Lo joked.

"Usually. What do you think Christina?" Adam asked with a grin.

"You laid it on a little thick, but not bad." She commented, then the make-up artists left.

Adam shouted out to the audience, "what do you guys think? Does Christina look super hot today?"

The studio audience cheered, some whistled and others called out that they loved Christina. They continued to do so until Carson came on stage and asked the audience for silence. With everyone's attention on Carson, the show was under way. As their chairs turned around, placing their backs to the stage, Adam sent Christina a quick text.

'I couldn't take my eyes off you when you walked in. Can't wait to unwind your hair and have it spill down your sexy, bare shoulders.'

He glanced at her and saw her read the text and smile. She looked his way and winked. Then both of their attentions went to the voice on stage, as they listened to the blind audition. Blake turned his chair around first, then Cee-Lo, but neither Adam or Christina hit their buttons. The song ended and then their chairs turned around to join their fellow judges. They listened and watched as the contestant chose Blake's team to be on. And so continued the morning. Just past noon is when a break was finally called, so the judges and crew could have lunch.

As everyone ate, Adam sat down beside Christina. She looked at him and said, "normally I don't like this kind of sushi, but today it's great. Try some." She held a piece of the sushi in her chopsticks, waiting for him to open his mouth.

He raised an eyebrow, then guided her hand to his awaiting open lips. After she deposited the food into his mouth, he ate it and replied. "Whomever catered this today, did a good job for sure."

Cee-Lo looked over at them and nudged Blake. Then he said, "you two are experts using chop sticks. Me, I think I'll stick to a fork."

Under the table, Adam put his hand on her thigh, caressing it. She almost choked on her tea, when he caressed her intimately. He grinned and then used the same hand to grab a napkin off the table. When she stood to get a plate of fruit, she made sure that her hand caressed the back of his neck as she walked by. This back and forth teasing lasted all day. When the cameras were on, they toned it down completely, but the light hearted feeling was infectious.

After the day's blind auditions were done, Adam approached Christina. "If we just told everyone we're dating, we wouldn't have to sneak around."

"Can we talk about this at your house, later?" Christina asked.

Adam shrugged. "Sure. Are you ready to go?"

"In five minutes, I just have to talk to Cee-Lo."

Adam went to talk to Blake and then when he saw Christina head for the door, followed. They walked to his motorcycle and he gave her a helmet, it was a full faced helmet with black visor. He'd planned ahead for the paparazzi at the studio gates. She tucked her hair in to the helmet, so no strand was shown. It prevented big tangles and also added to disguising her identity. Adam wore the skull cap helmet, then off they rode.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now