Ch 15 - Explicit

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Things are about to get rough.


I can see Nikki's jaw tighten, like she's deciding what to do next, then she says, in a hollow voice, "Never have I ever, cheated on my girlfriend."

The statement suddenly catches me off guard, and the ground below my feet begins to crumble.

There's something about the way Nikki says it...

The way she's staring Lauren down...

The way Lauren's hand suddenly goes deathly still in mine...

I feel like I'm stepping out of my body, because the world slows down to a fucking stop.

Lauren hasn't touched her drink, she hasn't even moved a muscle.

But doubt is a silent killer, and I feel its poison seeping into my lungs.

Lauren's as still as a photograph, yet her eyes keep shifting in and out of focus.

That still means she didn't cheat on me then, right?

I'm just being paranoid?

I know she's never cheated on any relationships before ours, and from what I know, she hasn't been in another one since we broke things off the first time.

"Oooh, girl, shit just got real!" Elliott proudly takes a sip, completely oblivious, adding, "...and it was so totally worth it!"

His outburst shakes me out of my internal monologue, and I suddenly find my body moving without thought.

I'm on my feet within seconds, and the alcohol rushes to my head.

I don't even realize I've slapped Nikki until it's over.

Everyone's floored at my actions, especially me.

I look from my hand, to Nikki, and I see that she looks hurt, but apologetic.

But I really don't give a fuck right now.

My palm stings from the contact, and I continue to stare at it, as tears begin to invade my vision.

I turn around to Lauren, numb, bereft of feeling, staring into those beautiful eyes.

Lauren would never do something like that to me, would she?

She looks surprised, like she wasn't expecting me to react that way, like she was expecting that slap to go her way instead.

My gaze catches on her glass in front of her; it's practically empty, save for the ice and maybe a few sips.

I find myself fascinated with its translucence, and I pick it up slowly, transfixed by the ice cubes swirling around in tiny, little pointless circles.

I can't make sense of what's happening in my mind, as I offer it up to Lauren.

It feels cold, and sweaty, in my trembling hands.

Lauren stares at the glass in my hand, stricken; then she looks up at me.

Her lips part, but she says nothing--

And that tells me everything.

I feel the subtle shake of my head from side to side. I see the way her eyes widen, just so...

And I tip the glass above Lauren's lap, emptying its contents all over her fucking lies.

I don't even recognize my voice, when I spit her words back out at her, "You didn't drink."

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