Ch 33

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When she gets to the bathroom door, she takes yet another glance back at me.

And I notice the shadows on the floor, and they end, just at the edge of where she's standing.

And I decide that I'll tell her everything tonight, whether she wants me to, or not.


"Okay, so Mila," Ally starts, then continues, "You have to make sure Dinah's at the club by eight, you can't be late. Laur, you're in charge of getting the cake."

I look over at Lauren, and she looks so fucking hot. She's making drinking coffee out of a paper cup, look like a freaking photoshoot.

Whoever allowed her to wear a loose, print crop tee, and tight, high-waisted jeans, needs to have a shrine dedicated in their name.

Lauren has her legs crossed under the table, with her arm draped across the empty chair beside her, and she's idly playing with the muffin crumbs left on her plate.

She's trying to pick them up with just the pads of her fingers, and they keep falling off.

It makes me smile, because my girl's not a quitter, and she keeps at it with her brows slightly knotted in concentration.

Lauren suddenly notices me looking, and right away, her expression changes.

Without breaking eye contact, she deliberately wets her lips, and then licks what few crumbs she managed to collect, off her fingers, one by fucking one.

Only Lauren can go from cute to 'fuck me' in under three seconds.

I can't help but bite the inside of my cheek, trying my best not to give her the reaction she's obviously looking for.

I see the subtle amusement in her eyes, and she tosses her hair over her shoulder, exposing her slender neck in my direction.

I can still see the faint marks I left on her skin, and the sight gets me so--

"You guys, focus!" I look over, and Ally has her little fists balled up; and she looks accusingly from me, to Lauren.

I sheepishly grin at her, shrugging, and trying to think of a good excuse.

But then Lauren swoops in, and saves the day, by saying, "We got it covered, Ally." She turns to me with a nod, and says, "Camila--"

Ugh, even the way she says my name is sexy.

I realize I must be giving her a certain look, because Lauren coughs a couple of times, and takes a sip of her coffee. Then she continues, "Um, Camz, is gonna get Dinah in by eight, and I'm gonna pick up the cake and get it to the bar on time. Easy."

Ally clearly thinks that Lauren's the more responsible one between the two of us, because she starts to nod approvingly.

She then glances at her watch, sighing as she says, "Alright, so I have to go meet up with Mani to run a few more errands."

She starts to gather her things, tucking some cash under her cup. She gets up, slinging her purse over one arm, and she looks at both of us with a hesitant expression on her face.

I can't exactly tell what she's thinking; whether she's happy that Lauren and I are back together, or whether she's still holding her breath, to see if we'll actually make it past the next twenty four hours, without any drama.

I get the sense that it's the latter of the two. But I can't really blame her though, Lauren and I don't exactly have the best track record so far.

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