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Lani POV

Lucious  opened the door looking from Me to Hakeem then back to Me saying

"I see you brought a Guest Hakeem."

"Yeah I did... You gon let us in or we eatin outside?" Hakeem replied

I hit his arm sayin "Stop being rude"

"You better listen to her" Lucious said before walking back in to the house. Keem grabbed my hand and Lead me into the dining room. We sat at the table then anika started Talking to Cookie... Never liked her.. Don't know why.

"I know you don't know because you don't live here but this is my house and that's my chair." She told Cookie

Oop... Cookie you better get her!

"Oh girl. Go sit down there with yo daddy and be a good little girl."

Damn...... Came back with that fire! Yass Cookie!

"Sweetheart, Will you sit next to me. Just for tonight" Lucious implied

Anika walked over to the seat next to me and started whisperin slick shit to Lucious... Now that's why I don't like her.

She sat then Cookie stated " I belong at the head of the table.This my family"

Anika cleared her throat and said "Good evening everyone, Lucious and I are very excited to have you all here in our home for dinner. So please.. Don't be afraid to dig in and enjoy."

As everyone was about to eat Cookie interrupted"Excuse me" She smiled "In this family we say grace before we shove food in.."

We noticed Hakeem boutta eat like a dumb ass so I hit his arm and Cookie hit the table near his plate as she continued "In our mouths. So shall we?"

she stood and said "Give me your hand."

Hakeem just looked at her so i whispered "Don't be like that" and Cookie said again "Give me your hand boy"

He put his hand out and Cookie held it but he didn't hold hers. The hell is wrong with him..? We all held hands and I didn't wanna be rude so I held anika's hand but Cookie caught me off guard saying

"Lets let our new Family member say grace for us. Kehlani go ahead"

"Yeah Kehlani... Go ahead." Jamal said while smiling

I glared at him then closed my eyes and said  "Lord we wanna give thanks for our so many blessings in our lives and we wanna thank you for the most precious blessing of them all.. Our family.. Amen"

Cookie said "Actually Imma add to that. Lord I prayed on bended knee, on many a knight, that this day would finally come."

Anika coughed interrupting her..

I cannot think what I want while she sayin grace so Imma hold back for a second.

"And God, Please do not with hold your blessings. Even from hoes that hire skanks to spy on me. In Jesus name we pray Amen! Hallelujah"

I love Cookie.. She the mother I never had and always wanted... and if you think I'm wrong for saying that.. You'll learn more about me later.

* 30 minutes later *

"Come on in here, Kehlani's gonna Perform!" Cookie yelled from the other room.

We all walked to where she was.

"Kehlani's gonna what?!" I semi yelled

"Your gonna perform." Cookie said

"Perform what?!"

The Lyons Roar: Season 1 // Hakeem Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now