Chapter 5

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Word Count// 1063 words

It's been 3 months now and Harry and I started getting real serious with our relationship.He asked me out a week later after the day we had our first date.But the only problem is David and Isabella their still in the friend zone,but you could tell David was trying to get out of that zone and get to the boyfriend and girlfriend stage.

Tonight David was going to surprise Isabella with a dinner date at the beach,Isabella always wanted to go to the beach.So Harry and I helped David with the plan.

It was 7:00 just an hour away.

"You ready?" I asked David, he looked a bit nervous and nodded his head.

He walked up to Isabella.

"Um..Isabella would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He put his hands in his pocket and rock back and forth on his heel.

"Sure! What time?"She asked

"Eight clock?" He said

"An hour? Okay see ya in a little bit" She smiled and walk over to her house I followed.

***At her house***

"Already have the perfect outfit,Just sit back and let me do my magic,But first go take a shower!"I demanded.

***20 minutes later***

I just got done adding a little bit of natural color of eyeshadow and lip gloss on Isabella.

"There all done!"I clapped my hands in joy!

"Wow!Paris you did a fantastic job!"She screeched

"Thanks!"I said

Isabella was wearing a white crop top that said 'Forever Young' shirt,high waisted distressed shorts,and her white converse. Her hair was in a cute high ponytail.


It was eight o' clock, David should be here less than a minute,Isabella and I started making our way downstairs.After waiting a couple of minutes David finally came.

I went to go open the door.

"Ayoo!" I said

"Hey!" David smiled

"Isabella Romeo is here!!" I called

She came to the door,David smiled like one of those cheshire cats!

"Hey Isabella,You look gorgeous" He comment

Isabella blushed "Thank you!" David grabbed her hand and out they went. Harry would be here any minute to keep me company.

***The Date***

I have to admitted I was a little bit nervously I mean I liked David for three years now and if it haven't been for Paris I would have never talked to him or even look at him.

"So where are you going to take me?"I asked nervously.

"It's a surprise"He than leaned over and put a blinded fold over my eyes,and start the engine and drove away to our destination.

***The Beach***

The car finally came to a stoping point and I heard the car door slam and mine opened up. David helped me get out of the car and shut the door behind me. We walked a few steps than he stopped and unfolded the blind fold it took a second for my version to come back and than my eyes almost bolted out of my eye socket!

"Omg! The beach" I yelled, I ran and smiled at the beautiful ocean ahead of me.

Suddenly David's arm wrap around my little waist.I turned around to him.

"I really really like you!"I smiled

"I like you too!" Than David kissed me for the first time.

We smiled into the kissed and sat down near ocean. David grabbed the blanket and laid it out on the sand. He put the Picnic basket in between us and took out sandwiches,chips,and Hi-C.

My Favorite!

After we ate we start walking around the beach. He picked me up and we fell into the water I was wet from head to toe.

We played around all night,Finally we got tired and it was night we laid down on the blanket and look up at the stars.

I sighed "This was the best first date ever!" I smiled

"Same here!" He laughed

"Thank you! For everything" I looked up at him into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Your welcome babe" I blushed he just called me babe.

That night I fell asleep to the boy I knew I would have my future with.

***Next Morning***

Paris's Pov:

"So how was your date?" I asked Isabella

"We went to the beach and we had picnic with all my favorite snacks and stuff and than...." She trailed off losing eye contact with me.

"THAN WHAT?!?" I shouted

"CAlM DOWN!" Isabella shouted back

"We kissed..." I was shocked

"Awww! How sweet!" I gushed

"Shut up!" Isabella laughed

I got a text it was my mom


Hey! Your Father and I will be back next Friday can't wait to see you! Love you! Aunt Becky said Hi


Okay! Love ya too and tell her I said Hey!:)

***Later on that day***

Harry and David came over to spend the night with Isabella and I.

"We have a special surprise for the both of you!" Harry said

"You ready?!?" David grin.

"WE'RE GOING TO LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA" They shouted holding out the airplane tickets

Isabella and I's face light up like a christmas tree "Ahhhh!!" We screamed.

"When are we leaving?!?" I asked over excited

"In two days so start packing" Harry chuckled.

"I need to start packing than" Isabella and I walked upstairs while Harry and David were playing video games on my X-Box 360 it was my brother's but he passes aways a couple of years ago. I never told anyone that but my closes friends in America.

"So what are you going to pack?" Isabella asked

"I don't know" I checked my phone to see how the weather in Los angles would be like,It was summer and hot there so I packed dresses,short,tank tops,bath suits and stuff like that.

After that...

"I'm all done and packed up,Now it's your turn" I laughed

We went to her house and I helped her pack.

***After a while***

We were done packing and we went back over to my house and watched movies and ate popcorn until we all fell asleep.


Ayoo! So did u like it they're going to LOS ANGLES!! Haha!:)

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Love ya!



Oh the memories!


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