These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 2

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**Originally apart of chapter 1


I was beginning to worry, until one of the girls closest to me smiled and said, "Take a seat."

    I smiled shyly at her and placed my Sprite on the table. Slowly, I took the seat next to the girl. "Thanks," I said. I still didn't have all my confidence back, so I wasn’t my strong, outgoing self at the moment. This group was intimidating.

    "Sure. My name is Grace!" she smiled warmly at me. Grace had dark blond hair, green eyes, and a girlish smile. She seemed really nice for a… whatever she was.

    "Hey," I offered, smiling.

    "This is Caroline," she gestured to a girl sitting next to her at the circular table. Caroline had straight, shiny brown hair, big brown eyes, and tan skin. I'd actually talked to her before. "That's Mason," a guy sitting next to Caroline with blond hair. "That's Jake," the guy sitting next to mason. He had red hair. "That's Peter," peter was the guy sitting next to me. He had brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. "That's Sophie," there was an undercurrent to Grace's voice. Sophie had bright blond hair with side bangs. It went to just below her shoulders. She had light blue eyes that were not welcoming in any sense. She smiled almost mockingly at me. Hm. Sophie was sitting next to Peter. "And that's Cole," Grace finished by gesturing to the guy sitting directly across from me.

    It took all I had not gasp. Cole was… amazing. He had dark blond hair, that was the perfect length and slightly messy. He had an angular jaw, and perfectly sculpted lips. His eyes were a dark blue, but they were so bright and deep, I could swim in them for hours. Even sitting, I could tell he was tall- taller than Tyler. And he was muscular. But not in the in your face way like Tyler, his was more subtle, and better than Tyler. He smiled a breath-taking smile at me and said, "Hey."

   I smiled slightly and uttered, "Hi."

    Sophie was noticing this little exchange because she said impatiently but in a "polite" tone, "So. What're you doing here?"

    "That's nice Sophie," Peter remarked.

    "What? I'm just asking," she grumbled.

    "What she means is, why are you sitting with us today?" Grace asked kindly.

    "Uh, like I said. I think… that I'm one of you," it felt foreign on my tongue.

    "Do you now?" Sophie asked in not-too-nice tone. She sounded almost… accusing.

    I opened my mouth to say something, but a sexy voice cut me off. "She's definitely one of us, Sophie." I looked up to see Cole still smiling at me. I bit my lip and looked away.

    I heard Sophie say, "Hm."

    "Um, if you don’t mind my asking, what am I?" I ran my fingers through my hair, a sign to any of my friends that I was nervous. Forgetting what I just asked, I turned my head to look at my table. I quickly turned around when I saw Tyler staring at me. I bit my tongue and messed with my hair again. This all took 2.2 seconds.

    "Well… we're vampires," Grace said.

    I suddenly felt sick and faint. It was what I thought I was, and it turned out to be true.    "V-vampire?" I asked, my voice faint.

    "Um, yes. Are you alright?" Caroline asked me.

    "Oh, I'm fine," I assured her, but I did feel very, very sick. This is why I bought the Sprite. I took a few sips. "So! I'm a vampire. Wow." I sounded sarcastic, not even meaning to.

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