These New Eyes, My New Life: Chapter 7

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**Originally apart of chapter 2


The next day, Nila gave me a ride to school and I missed Cole. He had already gone in with Peter. I tried not to be disappointed.

    I walked into lunch with Nila, but bade her farewell and walked towards my other table. Today I was wearing a hot pink Abercrombie dress that had little blue flowers and white dots all over it. It was a little loose, so I put a leather belt around my waist to cinch it in. it still looked amazing on me. There was a little ruffle at the neckline, it had spaghetti straps, and went to my mid-thigh. My hair was in ringlets and my make-up was perfect. I looked amazing.

    I walked over and waved to everyone. Cole smiled at me, his eyes only slightly wider, Peter stared, Grace and Caroline looked at the guys and then shared an exasperated look, and Sophie gave me the death stare.

    I smiled nonchalantly, as if I looked normal. "Hey guys," I said. I went and took my seat between Peter and Cole.

    "Hey!" Grace said.

    "Hi!" Caroline said.

    I smiled at them. Sometimes, I thought they were the only ones at the table with a right mind. I turned to Peter and gave him a concerned look, but my eyes were highly amused. "Peter? Are you okay?" I asked.

    He snapped out of it and smiled at me. "Uh, yeah. Totally," he said. he cleared his throat and exchanged a look with Mason.

    "You look… wow," Cole said.

    I smirked at him. "All out of witty remarks?" I teased. He chuckled. The way he smiled at me, it just made me want to kiss him. Obviously I couldn’t right here and now. So I fluffed my hair and looked at Grace.

    "You look really pretty today, Bekka," she said, stating the obvious in a sarcastic voice. I giggled.

   Sophie snorted. "Since when did slutty become pretty?" she asked.

   I shot her a look. "Since when did your opinion come to matter?" I shot back. Several people at the table had to conceal their laughter.

   Sophie clapped twice and spoke to me as if I were a four year old. "Very good! You managed to say something back to someone without your bitches doing it for you!"

    I narrowed my eyes, but smirked back. Have you forgotten I have the one thing you want?  I thought.

    Sophie sneered at me. "And what is that?" she asked.

    I looked at her. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

    "I'm just referring to what you just said. Or are you retarded enough to forget that already?" she asked condescendingly.

    "She didn't say anything, Sophie...." Caroline said. Everyone stared at Sophie.

    "Yes she did! She said 'have you forgotten I have the one thing you want?'," Sophie said.

    I turned pink. Had I said that out loud?! But everyone continued to look at her like she was crazy.

    "That never came out of her mouth," Cole said.

    "Yes it did! You said it!" she exclaimed, looking at me.

    "Did you say it, Bekka?" Caroline asked. Everyone looked at me, confused expressions on their faces.

    I turned pink again. "I-I didn't say it…. I thought it," I said, adventuring a quick glance at Cole.

    "Wait. You thought it?" Mason confirmed. I nodded my head.

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