Chapter Six

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Five days later, on the 31st, Mark found himself getting ready for Bob's Halloween party, ecstatic to see all of his friends in one place. He couldn't wait for Seán to meet his other friends, and frankly, he just wanted to leave now so he could see the other man earlier than he actually had to. He was curious as to what the other would dress as, or even if he would dress. The elder had told him that the party required costumes, so hopefully he would.

Speaking of costumes, Mark had had tons of trouble coming up with one at first. He'd contemplated going as many different things, which included Mario and Assassin's Creed's Ezio, as he already had both costumes. He'd rejected both ideas however, as he had remembered that he'd already gone as each character for past Halloween parties.

Eventually, he just figured he would just throw something together and go as that. He had to leave in about twenty minutes to pick up Seán, and figured that if he wanted to leave on time, he would need to come up with something fast. He'd already showered, dried his hair out, did basically everything else he needed to do before he would have to leave--he just needed to find something to wear. He had also removed his glasses, opting for contacts this time (it might've been because his friend had said he was cute without them, shush).

Mark dug through his closet frantically, throwing clothes around and huffing when he found nothing. He sat back on his heels, running his hand over his face in frustration. He was truly worried that he wouldn't be able to find an outfit in time, and that he'd have to borrow something from someone last-minute.

And then he remembered something.

He perked up, head snapping up so quickly that it probably could've caused whiplash. His eyes widened and he hopped up, scrambling towards his dresser and throwing open the top drawer. I have to have them somewhere... After a few seconds of searching, Mark finally found what he was looking for, crowing in victory and pulling out the set of animal ears.

"Yes! I can actually do it this year," he breathed out, sighing in relief. He ran into his bathroom, grabbing clothes and a black Sharpie on the way in, and got dressed quickly (he was wearing a black T-shirt and black skinny jeans, in case you were curious). He smoothed out his shirt, nestling the headband in his hair and making sure it was straight before uncapping the marker. He drew three whiskers on each side of his nose and colored the tip of his nose in, grinning in satisfaction when he finished. "Perfect," he mumbled, ruffling his hair slightly so it would look fluffy.

He heard his phone go off from his room and he took off, grabbing it as he sat down to put his socks on. He opened it without looking at who had sent a message, taking time to shove his black Nikes on his feet before finally looking at the screen. His stomach fluttered and his cheeks lit up in glee when he saw who it was.

J- I can't wait for you to see my costume! It's so punny :3

He grinned, fingers flying across the screen.

M- Mine is too! It's rather ironic, actually, but hey, irony is funny too. I'm sure you look adorable either way.

J- You flirt. :P When are you coming get me?

M- I'm leaving in a few minutes, I'm actually almost done getting ready.

J- Okay! I'll see you then.

M- Buhbye!

Mark stood up, almost fully ready, when he'd remembered something else. He went to his closet, reaching atop a shelf--with difficulty, of course--to grab a box. He opened it, pulling out what looked like a cat's tail, and he was suddenly glad that he'd kept his costume from his high school performance of Cats (he was Rum Tum Tugger, of course). Mark hooked the end of the tail to his belt loop, pulling his shirt down over the metal afterwards.

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