35-Punching Writer's Block Right in the Kisser

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Tbh I feel like this chapter title is something from AMW aha go read my story aha.

A Couple things to Punch Writer's block right in the kisser

1. go for a walk. It'll clear your mind and enhance your creativity. Plus, it burn calories aha

2. Read a REAL book. No,  not something on your tablet where there are lots of distractions. One you can actually hold in your hands and turn the pages.

3. Eat something healthy. Idk guys, citrus always helps me. Go eat grapefruit like your OC depends on it

4. For some reason, exercising helps me think? I know it's hard but it works so hey

5. Hug your dog or cat or any pet you have as long as its not a fish bc that would be weird af

6. Right for shorter amounts of time. Sitting at the the computer for hours  won't help your writer's block go away.

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