Chapter 5

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Eun Ri p.o.v

The teacher finally arrived to class and class started once it ended I walked to my next class every where I went I would always hear screaming girls but I didn't bother to check what was happening. Lunch came so I walked to the cafeteria to see a table surrounded by thousands of girls I waited in line to get my lunch once I finish I look for Rae Mi but couldn't find her so I just sat at a random table and started eating Rae Mi still hadn't shown up so I texted her

Eun Ri: where are you?
Rae Mi: cafeteria
Eun Ri: where? I can't see you
Rae Mi: that's probably because I'm surrounded by a bunch of girls
Eun Ri: seriously your in the crowd?
Rae Mi: yes
Eun Ri: wait for me I'll get you out
Rae Mi: ok

I made my way over to the crowd and boy was it huge I tried to squeeze my way through which was a success I look around for Rae Mi and see that she is sitting with them I walk over and grab her wrist

Eun Ri: C'mon we're leaving
Bambam: why can't you just stay here?
Eun Ri: are you coming or not?
Rae Mi: urm
Yugyeom: just let her decide herself
Rae Mi: I think I'm gon-
Eun Ri: you know what forget it Rae Mi you know exactly the reason why I don't want to stay her with these arrogant jerks!
Fangirl: did she just call them jerks!?
Fangirl 2: oh no she didn't she is going to get it!
Youngjae: anyone that touches her are going to get it from me understood!
Eun Ri: I'm leaving, you stay here just pretend I never came

With that I ran through the crowd straight to my locker I grabbed my bag and ran out of school I ran to a place no one would ever know where I go the beach Rae Mi knows me well so she would look for places I would normally go when I'm upset the only place she doesn't know is here I set my school bag down and sat down on the sand I sit here until 5 since I have work to do. I walk to the cafe I work at and get dressed customers come in and I serve them at 8 I change back into my school uniform and head out the cafe since my shift was over.

I walk home and to my surprise I see Got7, Rae Mi and my mum oh how could this day get any better note my sarcasm I just ignored them all and walked up to my room I locked the door so no one could get in. I started doing my homework to kill time since I was bored but I finished it all in just 10 minutes it was 8:45 I figured the boys already went home but no they were all sitting in the living room watching TV while my mum was cooking dinner I knew that everyone was going to stay for dinner so I went back into my room locked the door and changed into a random outfit put on my shoes grabbed my phone and keys.

I walked over to my window and climbed out onto a branch since the branch wasn't very high up I jumped down making a loud thud but I didn't care I just kept walking looking aroud for a place to eat once I found a pizza place I enetered I ordered a medium pizza with hot chips and coke I finished eating and wondered around since I didn't want to go home I wander around the place for which seems like hours I get bored so I decided to go home. I open the door expecting Got7 and Rae Mi at their home but no they were all still sitting right there in that spot.

I chose to ignore and go to my room but only to be stopped I turn around and see Got7 behind me I frown because they're the last people I want to see right now.

Mark p.o.v

We were all sitting in the living room waiting for Eun Ri to come out of her room but she stayed in there for hours, suddenly the front door opened reavealing Eun Ri how on earth did she get out? She ignores us and walks to her bedroom the boys and I stop her she turns around and frowns at us. I was about to open my mouth and say something qhen she interuppted me

Eun Ri: look I'm not going to talk to you guys now leave I don't want to see your faces you guys will remind me about the times u teased and bullied me

We were all taken back because of what she said I frowned and told to the others it's best to leave so we left saying goodbye and thanking Eun Ri's mum for dinner.

Eun Ri p.o.v

*3 months later*

Everyday at school Got7 would always follow me around so I earn glares from every single girl in this school I go to work still at the cafe but I think I'm going to move else where because I can't handle this anymore earning glares from the girls I'm also getting threats but I don't tell anybody of course. I walk to work and see my boss I tell him today would be my last shift since I'm leaving he gives me my pay once my shifts ends. I go home and change into some random t shirt and shorts, after 3 months the boys still haven't stopped trying to prove they were sorry I feel like forgiving them but then I just can't I don't know why though I think I woukd forgive them before I leave. I pack my stuff and leave a note for my mum I know she would try and stop me so I leave when she's not home I call Rae Mi and the boys to meet me at the park.

I arrive at the park waiting for everyone the first to arrive is Rae Mi she walks over to me with a confused face then her gaze turns to my suitcase she starts to walk faster to me and hug me I hug her back tears start to form in her eyes because she knows what I'm going to do she knows I'm moving after a few minutes Got7 arrive they see me and walk over

Youngjae: Why did you call us here?
Eun Ri: because I have something to tell you guys
Jr: what is it?
Eun Ri: I'm forgiving you guys
Yugyeom: jinja? (Sorry if I spelt it wrong I forgot how to spell it)
Eun Ri: yes
Got7: YAY!

They then notice Rae Mi sobbing and ask her what happened I hug Rae Mi and whisper telling her to tell them when I'm gone I hug Youngjae because he's my brother but I don't hug the rest because I'm still not comfortable with them yet I look at Rae Mi before leaving I give her a weak smile and she does the same. A taxi drives over and I ask him to take me to the train station.

Rae Mi p.o.v

I can't believe it my best friend is gone for who knows how long I'm still sobbing the boys are asking me what's wrong I don't answer and keep crying Mark hugs me and strokes my hair I eventually calm down and explain to the boys

Rae Mi: I was crying well because Eun Ri is leaving to somewhere and I won't know how long she'll be gone for
Jr: so your saying she left?

I nod I see everyone sad, I notice a tear roll down Jr oppa face but he wipes it away before anyone sees it.

Authors Note:
Sorry for making you guys wait for a new chapter but what do you guys will think happen next? Where will Eun Ri move to? Wait til the next chapter to find out.

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