Chapter 6

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Eun Ri p.o.v

As I get on the train to Busan I start crying remembering everyone back at Seoul tears uncontrollably flow down my face I wipe them away, I grab my phone and earphones and start listening to music the song Promise by EXO comes on it reminds me about me and Youngjae. A tear drops down my face and soon more tears drop I eventually fall asleep by the time I wake up I'm near Busan once we reached I get off the train and look for a taxi. I arrive at my apartment I rented before coming here, I unpack my stuff and change into a croptop and shorts I leave my apartment and go walk around looking for a job so I can get money I already enrolled for school so now all I have to do is look for a job. I've been looking around for about 30 minutes now and still haven't found a job, my stomach seems to rumble so I look for the closest cafe there is.

Days Later

I finally found a job as a cashier I don't really have any friends at school but I don't care I miss my mum and everyone else. Right now I'm walking home from work as soon as I arrive home I jump on my bed and fall asleep.

Rae Mi p.o.v

Eun Ri is gone now I have practically no one to share stories with I have nothing to do without Eun Ri I miss her I wish I could know where she is I wonder how her life is right now. *RING RING* the bell rings for lunch I didn't even know I zoned out in class I go to lunch and sit alone. I'm sitting alone staring at my food I wasn't hungry so all I did was stab my food soon Got7 sat around me they were all chit chatting while I stayed silent I lost my appetite so I threw my lunch in the bin and wondered around the school.

Mark p.o.v

Rae Mi was sitting at a table by herself so Got7 and I approached her I sat down next to her and we all started chit chatting I notice that Rae Mi was quiet and from what I hear Rae Mi is the most cheerful person that is never quiet, I was going to ask her somethinf until she stood up which caught the whole tables attention she carried her tray of food which was still full and dumped it in the bin, Since I was almost finish I dumped my food in the bin and followed her. She ended up in the school garden and sat by a tree then I heard soft crying and I see Rae Mi with tears, some reason I had the urge to comfort her and so I did I pulled her into a hug saying that everything was okay even though I didn't know what was wrong.

The soft crying soon turned into deep breaths I knew she had fallen asleep so I laid her down with her head on my lap, I was staring at her beautiful face without even knowing I was in a daze I eventually fell asleep with my head rested against the tree.

Rae Mi p.o.v

I woke up to see Mark sleeping and me on his lap laying across the grass I stared at Mark face he was so cute when sleeping wait what?! What am I thinking? He's an idol he would never like me I stayed where I was his eyes flickered open so I pretended to sleep but then I could feel more then 1 presence around me, I pretended to wake up and see Got7 around us I sat up quickly because I realise I was still on Mark's lap then I stand up turning to the rest of the boys to see them with smirks plastered on their faces.

So I quickly set off to my locker and realised that school ended wow did I really sleep that long? I got my stuff and quickly left school but I saw Got7 at the entrance waiting for their van I supposed, I keep walking but quietly and I hear them teasing Mark? Then it hit me they're teasing Mark because of what happened before, I didn't want to see Got7 and eals with any dramas right now so I quickly walked past them then realise I walked to the opposite direction of my house what a pabo I should be heading home since I was already walking this way I decided to buy some bubble cup.

This time I started heading home the right way and I see Got7 still at the school entrance so I pulled out my earphones put my music on full blast and took out a book I continued walking while reading, drinking and listening to music, I walked pass the boys as if I didn't see them and tried to cover my face with my hair so they don't know it's me but I got caught I turned around and see Mark.

Mark p.o.v

Rae Mi walks past us while we're waiting for our van so I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder she turns around but then turns back around and walked away so I just shrug it off and wait with the others. We finally arrive back at our dorm I was so tired that I just fell asleep once I touched my bed.

Next morning I woke up and saw everyone else still asleep so I decided to wake them up why are they such heavy sleepers? Bing! I got an idea I went into the bathroom and got out a bucket I filled it with cold water then I went into Bambam room I splashed water on him and quickly ran to the bathroom and filled it again with cold water I went over to Jackson room and splashed him. I finished waking up all the members and was laughing so much tears started coming out of my eye. They were angry but I didn't care, since I was already dressed I quickly ran outside to school instead of taking the van, I didn't look where I was going I bumped into something or someone and we both fell.

Rae Mi p.o.v

I woke up at 5 in the morning and school starts at 9 i don't even know why I woke up so early but I didn't want to go to school because it would be boring since I have no friends I don't want to hang with Got7 because girls would just give me glares I don't even care but I don't want to go to school, I seriously need to get new friends but the problem is some girls know I hang with Got7 so they want to be my friend it's just so frustrating that in this school there is no one that doesn't care about these people except Eun Ri and I. I glance at my clock and realise I've been thinking for half an hour good thing I woke up early so I got dressed grab a granola bar play music on my phone and walk to my favourite bubble cup shop and order a drink it takes about 10 minutea since there was a lot of students here so I waited and finally got my drink.

As I head to school I stop by the library near by and return my book since I finished reading it I decided to borrow more books since I would be getting bored more often now that Eun Ri is gone. I borrowed about 10 random books that were thick and had around 1000 pages I stuff them in my bag but have one book out so I can read it now I leave the library listening to music while reading. I'm walking and reading so I didn't pay attention to what was going in front of me. Suddenly someone bumped into making both of us fall I dropped my book and fell on the floor luckily my bag stopped me from getting hurt I had my eyes close so I didn't see who fell on top of me. As I slowly open my eyes I was shock to see who was laying on top of me.

Authors Note:
Hey guys sorry for the slow update anyway hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry if I have any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes.

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