Chapter 22: Seraphie

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I sprint off to my room and slam the close button on the door. The door closes but i keep hitting it until it breaks. Then i run to my bed and throw myself onto it.

"No. No!" I scream. "No." So many people have died today... too many people.

First Patrick, then christena and now josée too. I cant believe theyre all dead. Especially christena and josée... it was like we were triplets... ugh. And now im all alone. I dont have anyone left... well... except for tye... but ive only known him for like four months so that doesnt quite count as much.

And now Olivias back and these two new guys. Its so wierd. I know that the first guys name was jeffery and i think i heard the other guy say his name was luke or lucas or something like that... whatever. That doesnt matter. What matters is josee and christena are dead.

But at least, now, so is thanos. He is gone. And i can get back to focusing on bigger things... like mourning... maybe i should go see olivia. Shes going through the same thing right now. Her boyfriend died. My 'sisters' died. We need each other.

I pry open the jammed door to my room and make my way out towards Olivias. I can see the door of the room next to hers (which is supposed to be empty) is open a crack. I peek inside and see that luke/lucas is inside. He is pacing around the room. I decide to just leave it be. Olivia probably put him in here so he could have his own room.

I walk back over to olivias and knock on the door. "You decent?" I ask.

"Yeah." Olivia laughs. As i walk in i see that her room is completely different now. Since there isnt any of patricks things in it it seems almost empty. But she has dont something neat. All across the room up above our heads are small purple energy balls that are crackling with electricity. They light up the room with a faint purple glow.

"Wow. This place looks great!" I say.

"Thanks." She smiles. "I know that i can make a big force foeld with my energy, so i just tried to make a smaller one and then i shot it with a little electricity... and voila! I didnt know how it was going to turn out really. For all i knew it could have made a cute decoration... or a deadly weapon... or maybe it could have exploded and wiped out the entire earth... shit... im now just realizing why i probably shouldnt have tried that... oops"

"Probably..." i giggle. "So how are you holding up after parrick and all?" I ask softly.

"Im actually doing surprisingly well. Im more ipset about josee and christena and ive only known them for a couple hours." She says.

"Whys that?" I ask.

"Well... i guess is just... i dont know. After i heard about how crazy he got and that he fucking killed sammi... i dont know." She says. "But just think about it. If he was still alive and he killed sammi, even if you guys brought her back, like you did, i still would have hated him for it. But now hes dead. So i cant hate him. All i can do about it, is forget about him."

"Damn. Thats... damn. Okay." I say. "So... whats the deal with that luke slash lucas guy?"

"Lucas." She corrects. "And he saved my life. I was going to place the explosive in the controll room and there was like fifty guards in there at least. One had a blade to me and he attacked the guy. Then he stuck with me and helped me to kill the rest of them."

"Wow. Sounds like a good guy." I say.

"Yeah." She says dreamily.

"And he is damn hot too." I laugh.

"Whoooah yeah." She laughs. We fall onto the floor with a loud thud, which only makes us laugh even harder.

Suddenly the door flies open. Its sammi. "Well. I was coming to check on you. But it looks like youre both doing just fine as is. What are you laughing about?" Sammi asks.

"I dont even know really." I laugh. "We were just talking about lucas. And how he saved her life--" 

"Then this little shit brought up how hot he is and we both just collapsed to the floor... i think were dead now." Olivia says. Everyone goes silent. "Shit... bad word choice?"

We all start laughing again. This time sammi joins in. We must all look insane. We are just a bunch of girls lying on the floor laughing. I look over to olivia and see her face flush red. I look over in the direction that she is looking and see lucas standing in the doorway.

"Oh shit..." i laugh.

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