Chapter 32: Sammi

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I lead the group down the hall to the bedrooms. They all follow closely, and silently, behind me. As we arrive at the first room i ask. "Anybody have any special requests to be in the same room with someone? Or do you all want separate rooms?" Leo's hand shoots up. "No leo. You cant sleep in my room." I say quickly. I then catch myself and throw my hands up to my mouth, realizing what i have said. The rest if the group laughs, including Leo.

"Soon baby. Ill get you. You'll fall for me. Just you wait." Leo says cooly.

"Whatever you say." I say plainly.

"And i say that eventually you'll fall head over heals in love with me. Just you wait." Leo laughs. He walks into the first room on my left. As the door closes behind him i let out a deep sigh.

"Anyways... Im assuming the rest of you want to be alone?" I ask. They all nod in agreeance. "Good. Dalt, second room on the left. Eathan, third on the left. Chris, first on my right. Shanice, take Lucas' old room, two doors down on the right. And Alex--"

"Wait." Alex says. "Why is it not Lucas room anymore? Where is he staying?"

"We still have to move his stuff, but from the way that Olivia reacted when we got here... Something happened between the two of them while we were gone. Trust me. I should know. Ive seen her like that back when she was with patrick and I've seem myself from back with tye."

"You went out with tye?" Dalt laughs.

"Yup..." I say slowly.

"Fuck that. Who cares. Where is this Lucas kid staying." Alex demands.

"Probably with liv." I say.

"But they were embarrassed when he walked in on her changing earlier. How can they share a room now? Its only been a few hours!" Alex yells.

"A lot can change in a few hours." I laugh. "But Alex. If you want to take the room that Shanice was supposed to he in so that you can monitor them i guess? Sure. Be my guest."

Alex smiles widely. "Thank you! You're amazing! I could kiss you right now!"

Suddenly leo pops out of his room and yells. "But you wont! I called first dibs on her! I win!" Then, just as quickly as he entered, he returns to his room. I stare awkwardly at where leo had been standing. My jaw is dropped to the floor and my cheeks are red as tomatoes.

"Well... This is awkward..." Alex says. "Im just going to go to my room."

"We still have to clear out Lucas' stuff..." I say blankly.

"Ill just do it in the morning. Thats better." Alex says before running into his room.

"Yeah... Me too." I mutter. I wander off to my room and fall straight asleep the second my head hits my pillow.

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