Chapter 24: Olivia

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"Wait a second... what is truth or dare?" I ask.

"Yeah... im lost too." Lucas says.

"Its a game." Sammi says. "Here. Lets go get Tye and Jeffery then ill explain."

"Okay." I say. We walk off and go grab tye and jeffery. We all walk out to our makeshift entertainment room. We have a bunch of cushiony sofas and a huge projection screen for movies. In the back there is a fully stocked kitchenette and some foosball tables and air hockey tables.

"Wow. This place looks amazing!" Lucas says.

We all move three of the sofas so that they are all facing each other with a table in the middle. Seraphie and tye bring over some food and we all take our seats.

"We always sit alternating guys and girls when we play. Just to make thing a little more fun." Seraphie snickers.

"True. True." Sammi laughs. She sits down next to jeffery. Seraphie sits next to tye and i sit with lucas.

"Together again." He laughs.

"Shut up" i giggle, playfully elbowing him.

"Ow. That hurts." He mocks. I give him a look and roll my eyes.

"Alright. So who here actually knows how to play this?" Sammi asks. Tye and seraphie both raise their hands.

"Damn. No truth or dare on asgard? Bummer." Tye laughs.

"Alright heres the game. It starts off woth ome person asking another person in the group 'truth or dare'. Te person then gets to choose whether they will answer a question that the asker will ask. Or they can pick dare and they will have to do whatever the asker tells them to do." Sammi says.

"Wait a second! We have a game like that on asgard. We call it humiliation or intereogation. Because usually you usually either humilliate them with what you call a dare, or interrogate them with your truths." I say.

"Yeah. Thats basically the game." Seraphie says. "So is everyone good now?"

"Yeah. I think we're good." Jeffery says.

"Alright then. Lets get started." Sammi says. "Seraphie can start because she had the idea to play."

"Why thank you." Seraphie laughs. "Lets start off easy. Jeffery, truth or dare?"

"Um... truth?" Jeffery says cautiously.

"Who, of the people that you have taken the form of stands out most to you?" Seraphie asks.

"Thats easy. About a year ago, I  was in the palace trying to steal some food and some guards cane by so i made myself look like odin. The guards got really confused because apparently they had just seen him on the other end of the palace and they were trying to figure out how he got here so fast. Then the real odin came walking down the hall after the guards because he had to tell them something. The guards just got really confused and one of them passed out." Jeffery says.

"Oh my god! What happened next?" Seraphie asks.

"Oh! I remmeber that!" I exclaim. "They put the whole palace on lock down and i was stuck hiding outside in the bushes for 3 days. That was on one of the days when i was sneaking out to earth to see you guys and i got locked out when they shut down the palace! That was because of you!" I laugh heavily.

"Wait... you worked in the palace and you were able to sneak out to midgard without getting caught?" Lucas asks.

"Well... yeah... i was able to sneak out onto midgard. i used some old passageways. Also... heimdall would just let me go out there if my dad and my grandfather werent watching..." i laugh.

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