The crowd starts to boo and hiss as the man enters, slowly making his way towards the statue. He walks with pride; the shackles on his wrists and ankles sounds with every step. The people down below stomps their feet and growl as if wanting to pounce on him. Jacob's hold on my waist tightens and he releases me; taking a step closer to the ledge of the balcony. Finally, the prisoner stands just in front of the statue and glances around the room.
"I love what you did with the place," the prisoner states casually. "Very nice."
"You are not to speak unless spoken to," one of the Elders state. The prisoner glances his way then back to my husband.
"My apologies," he says with a smile and I find myself taking in his features. His posture is up right and big black wings are folded so beautifully behind him. My eyes rake down his well built, muscular body and his six packs just above the waist of his dark jeans. I look over at my husband who was also staring at him but with anger and hatred. "Why are you here?" My husband asks even though I'm pretty sure he knows the answer already. The prisoner cocks his head, almost as if he's thinking. Finally, he shrugs.
"I'm guessing its not to invite me to dinner because this is no way to treat a guest."
Jacob gives one last glance before turning to one of the soldiers behind me. "Bring me the box," he orders and turns back to the prisoner. "I love it when a prisoner plays stupid. Makes it even harder on them."
The prisoner raises an eye brow. "You don't say. My feet are killing me."
A short guy comes running towards us with a black and white box in his hands. Kneeling in front of my husband, he holds it up. Jacob takes the box and the guy rises and step back. My husband holds up the box for all to see. "Inside this box holds the key to the world above us; where no demon, Vampire, or any other child of Lucifer belongs or should ever dare to cross." He turns to me and holds it out to me. I look at him before taking the box in my hands. Its a little heavier than it looks and I hold it up to my chest so its still in view for everyone. "This box was soon reported stolen weeks after my departure to the Great Lake of Satan. After searching the kingdom brick by brick, one of our maids described a man preferably a Dark Angel that was once in the kingdom which is also disobeying the rule of NO Angel of Lucifer is to step foot in the kingdom. With that being said, My men searched every Angel's quarters for the box and it was soon discovered deep inside a closet in this prisoners bed room."
"That was some one else's doing," the prisoner states. "If I was to do such a crime, you actually think I would stay right under your nose knowing I would get caught?"
"And that's why you are here," my husband states, a smile now on his face. "Unless you can tell who has committed this crime-"
"How the hell am I supposed to know!?" The prisoner shouts angrily. "There are finger prints on the box and there are people in this very kingdom who can tell who's finger prints are on there."
"And where is the fun in that?" Jacob asks. "I'm pretty sure everyone is waiting for a little action tonight, am I right?"
The crowd cheers and roars loudly in response. I look at the fear and anger in the prisoners eyes. Why would he steal the key and not use it? What would be the purpose of it? To be brought here to his death? It just doesn't make any sense.
"Everyone leave this prisoner to his thoughts," my husband says. "He's going to need it for tonight."
With that, he spins around and walks out with out another word. The door down below opens for the crowd to leave and they all start to make their way out. One by one the Elders rise from their seats and also leaves.
But I remain and glance down at the Prisoner in silence.