We've been flying for hours and the air hitting my skin is starting to give me goose bumps. My rescuer starts to slow and lowers us down. As soon as my feet touch the ground, I collapse.
The smell of fresh grass fills my nose and I close my eyes.
I'm free.
I feel my hands along the moist soil and I can feel the tears in my eyes.
I look up and my rescuer stares down at me."I'm guessing this is your first time," he says awkwardly. He holds out his hand to me and lifts me from the ground. "The names Aaron."
I look at my tiny hand in his manly one and take in his tall figure. "My names Amma."
"I know," he says with a smirk. "You used to walk past me every morning in the kingdom."
I cock my head at his face. I don't remember him.
The ground under me shakes and dark black wings hit the ground. I grab onto Aaron who doesn't seem phased by it. The wings folds back and the prisoner stands there.
"What took you so long?" Aaron asks.
The prisoner makes his way over towards us. "Couldn't leave with out a souvenir." He holds up a gold chain and tosses it at Aaron who catches it just before it hits the ground. "Lucy would love that."
Aaron smiles. "I doubt it."
I look at the two of them and can sense the relationship between them.
The prisoner looks up at the sky. "We should get going. You have a curfew and staying here is danger for us."
"Yeah," he says. "Don't want Lucy pulling another knife out on me because I came home at 9:01 instead of 9:00."
"Told you not to marry her," the prisoner states.
Aaron shrugs. "Love is a strange thing, my friend."
"That was gay."
Aaron shoves him and they both laugh. I smile and Aaron turns to me. "It was nice meeting you professionally princess Amma."
"Thank you," I said.
He smiles. "Don't mention it."
With that, he expands his wings and lift off the ground. We watch as he soars through the sky and disappears.
We don't speak for a few minutes.He turns to me. "I hope you know that while being with me, we're both wanted."
"If that's what's it going to take for me to get my babies back then I don't care."
He smiles. "That's the spirit!" He starts to walk and I follow behind him.
My legs are soar by the time we reach our destination and all I want to do is sleep. The prisoner explained to me about this cabin well hidden below the Mountains of Lucifer.
I've heard thousands of stories about the Mountains of Lucifer and have been warned many times of the danger that lurks within. But since this guy been there a bunch of times, it doesn't sound so bad if he's still alive, right?
I nearly fall from the unstable rocks and grab hold of the prisoner.
"Slow and steady," he says and we make our way through the mountain.
"I see no cabin," I grunt. "Unless the mountains are considered a cabin now-a-days."
"Wow," he says. "Your cranky. But the cabin is just down here."
I let go of him and walk ahead of him.
A small light starts to shine through the dark and I rush towards it.
I reach the door to the cabin and the prisoner pushes past me.
"I have to welcome you into my home," he says. "You don't just burst through."
I cross my arms and he pushes the door open. The smell of fresh bread and cookies greets me and I take a long whiff. I walk into the small cabin and the door closes behind me. The prisoner walks ahead of me and I slowly follow.
"Who dares enter!?"
I stop dead in my tracks and look at the prisoner.
"Its me," he says back. "And I brought a friend."
I hear tiny feet running and I turn my attention towards the stairs in front of me.
Tiny little elves run down the stairs and crowd around us. They all look alike but wore different colored hats.
"The princess!"
"She stands in our home!"
"How lucky are we!?"
"Such beauty!"They all smile up at me and flutter their eyes. I give a small wave and the prisoner steps forward.
"The princess will be staying with us for the night before we departure," he announces. "While she is here, you are not to bother her in any way!"
They barely acknowledge him and stare at me. The prisoner starts to walk and they make a way for him before closing in around me.
"Let her breathe!" A feminine voice says and they all scurry off in opposite directions. The prisoner sits in a chair and motions for me to join him.
I make my way towards the empty seat in front of him and sit. I feel as if I'm being watched and spot three of the elves peeking around the corner.
I feel a hand touch my arm and I jump.
"Its ok, dear. Its only me."
And a small lady wobbles in front of us and the first thing I notice is her long gray hair trailing behind her.