The sound of the sirens pierces my ears and I mentally start to panic. I grab onto his arm but he twists from my hold.
"If they see you with me, they'll think you broke me out," he shouts over the sirens.
"But you have to take me with you!" I cry. "I can't stay here!" He stares at me; contemplating his choices when the door to the balcony is kicked open. Before he said anything, I start to run. My dress nearly trips me, and I quickly take the fabric into my hands; picking up my pace. With the sirens flaring and my heart pounding in my ears, I don't hear any foot steps behind me. But I can feel the prisoner close on my tail.
"Shit!" I hear the prisoner shout, and I think the same thing as guards charges in front of me.
I skid to a stop and the prisoner crashes into me. He grabs me from falling and the guards start to close in around us. I take deep slow breaths.
My muscles tenses and my head darts from left to right.
Four to my right, three to my left.
I can feel the prisoners chest rising and falling against my back; his grip tight on my arms.
"Let her go!" One of the guards shouts.
I spin around and look at the prisoner. Crackers?
One of the guards grabs hold of my arm and I try to fight him off. "Get your hands off of me!"
"Crackers!!" The prisoners voice booms and the sound of the sirens go off along with the sound of glass breaking.
All of a sudden the guards all drop down to the ground and I'm pulled down with them. A huge eagle swoops down and scares the other guards until they drop down as well. I cover my head with my arms but peek through my hair at the sight of the prisoner. He still stands and waves at the bird.
He looks at me and I don't move. The bird flies towards me and I scream as the nails of the bird grabs onto my arms. My legs kicks in the air as I'm lifted off the ground; my heart pounds from every inch I'm in the air.
I can see the window that had been broken and the bird swoops down towards it. An arrow shoots past my face and I force my self to look down.Guards kneel on one knee; aiming their arrows and spheres at the bird but he continues to fly.
I watch as the guards run towards the window and I can tell by their appearance, that their werewolves.
The bird stops flying and looks for another escape. The guards stands in their position and holds it; waiting for our move.
This is it.
My arms start to slip from the Bird's grip and I try to grab onto its feet.
I look around for the prisoner but he is no where in sight. My hands start to slip.
The bird screeches but doesn't move. My heart races at the sound of the guard counting down.
"3....... 2........... 1.....! FIRE!!"
I scream as my hold gives way and arrows fly through the air. My dress blinds me so I can't see but I can hear the bird screeches and cries.
I scream as I fall through the sky; a million thoughts runs through my head.
"I got ya!"
Arms locks around me and I grab on tight to the neck of my rescuer. The dress covers my face but I don't dare let go of the persons neck just to move it. The sound of wings flapping is all I hear along with the voices of guards shouting.
"Hold on!" My rescuer shouts and I squeeze tightly on his neck. "I said hold on, not choke me."
But I keep my hold.
My eyes peek over his shoulder and I lock eyes with my husband before the cold air hits me; telling me I am free.