The Dream
My legs ache at every step I take but I continue to run.
And run.......
All around me is darkness but the smell of wet grass and the outdoors tells me where I am.
I'm home.
The woods.
I'm now on a clear path heading straight and I let it lead me.
The sight of my home makes me run harder and faster until I burst through the door.
This isn't my home.
But Abel's voice tells me other wise and I follow his voice.
I slowly walk down the narrow hall way and I hear Delilah's laugh.
I turn the corner and immediately approach the door in front of me. I turn the door knob and shove it open.
There, my husband sat; a great big book in his hands. He holds my son on his lap and my little girl rests her head on his other leg. His hand reaches out and brushes her head and he smiles down at Abel.
"And they live happily...... Ever...... After." He looks at me and cocks his head. I try to run towards them, but I'm being held back.
"No!" I cry. "Let them go!"He smiles down at my babies and they both smile up at him and said "The End."
End of Dream
I bolt up in bed and sweat prickles down my chest and fore head. My heart races and I take in my surroundings.
The room is dark and the light coming through the window does nothing to help.
The mountains... I'm still in the mountains.
I look down at my trembling hands and cover my face with them. The tears in my ears slowly starts to come and I rest my head against the cool wall.
This is all my fault..... I knew I should have moved farther away. I knew he would one day, like he said he would, find me.
I put my babies in this situation and while I'm sitting here right now, their probably being tortured. Abused.
I drop my hands and squeeze my eyes shut when I hear the door creak open. My eyes snap open and I watch as it slowly opens up. The cold air suddenly hits me and I wrap my arms around my body. Looking around the room, I stand to my feet and tip toe towards the door. Grabbing it, I peek my head outside the door.
The darkness in the hallway is a little darker than inside the room and I step back inside my room, closing the door again. Once I hear the click, I step back away from the door and turn back to bed.
I climb back in and look around the room once again.
"If you don't want to see it, don't think of it," I remind myself as I rest my head on my pillow.
As I drift off to sleep, the images of my babies play through my head and I smile.