Bitter Sweet -A Hogwarts Love Story- [10]

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~Amy's POV~

"Are you going to eat that?" I glanced up at Ron, "No" I replied before passing him my breakfast plate. Hermione was watching Ron shovel the food in his face, her face was filled with pure disgust.

I straightened up and glanced around our table. Riley and Morgan were deep in conversation. Harry was yet again glaring at Draco. I huffed and stood up. I saw Chris shoot me an apoligetic glance, I shook my head and sat next to Lavender.

After breakfast and classes, I wandered over to the gryffindor common room. I had a awful headache and it was making me feel rather ill.

I was hoping to be alone, but when I arrived I found Alex, My other best friend, telling everyone a story about his summer.

I sighed and turned around.

I wandered around for a while until my head stopped hurting. I started walking back to the Gryffindor common room but walked into someone. The both of us landed on the ground, I looked over and saw a blonde girl.

I quickly stood up and helped the other girl up. "Oh gosh, i'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to, sorry" I started saying quickly.

"It's ok" I stopped and blinked at the girl, "Are you ok?" I asked. She nodded, "Fine" She replied. I nodded, "Ok"

"Amy, Right?" She asked. I nodded, "How do you know?". She smiled. "Fourth year at Hogwarts. You were being teased by Crabbe and Goyle, you were crying and you turned around and suddenly punched their lights out" She replied. I blinked.

"People keep saying that, but I dont remember it, I mean I do but It wasnt me" I replied. She tilted her head. "Intereting...Im Anastasia, Im in Slytherin" She held out a hand I shook it. "Nice to meet you, but why haven't you hexed me yet?" I asked.

Anastasia laughed. "Im not stupid, Amy, I saw what Chris did to Luca, and besides you're not a stuck up as the other Gryffindors i've met"

I nodded. "Well, It was nice meeting you Anastasia" I said. She smiled "Call me Ana, and nice meeting you too". She nodded once before saying goodbye and walking off.

I would have gone back to the common room but I got cornered by Chris, Blaise and some other guy. I shighed and tried walking past them but Chris grabbed my wrist. I winced and turned to him.

"What?" I asked. Chris frowned, "Why are you avoiding me?" He asked. I gave him a 'What do you think' look. He took a deep breath. "Im sorry, Amy" I blinked, "Ok" I replied.

"So you forgive me?" Chris asked. I shook my head. "No" I replied. "You almost got yourself killed over me, I was fine, Chris, you didnt have to turn to violence" I continued.

"I am sorry" He said. I nodded, "I know, give me a few days" I replied before pushing past Blaise and walking to the Gryffindor common room. Finally.

That night I hardly slept. They were talking again.

I sighed and sat up.

Please be quiet.

Amy, how nice of you to join us.

The sarcasam was obvious in Amelias voice. I rolled my eyes.

Are you going?


I sighed.

Why didnt you punch Luca?

Because I would have been hexed a billion times.

I would have.

Thats the difference between us. Now will you and Melody quieten down!!!

And with that I turned over and tried to sleep.

...Im not crazy..honest...

Keep telling yourself that.

Shut Up!!

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