Bitter Sweet -A HogWarts Love Story- [02]

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Amy's P.O.V.

I scanned the crowd one last time, I knew I must have looked rather odd stood in the middle of the train station, A frustrated look on my face and my arms crossed. "Amy" I heard a voice next to me. I turned slightly and saw Hermione.

"What?" I asked. She grabbed my arm. "The train is about to leave, Im sure Chris is already on there" She said while pulling me onto the train. I sighed. "I know, Hermione, Im sorry" I replied. Hermione dropped my arm when we got to a compartment that I saw contained Harry and Ron. She turned to me "Its ok, Now go find Chris, but be careful" She said smiling. I nodded and headed in the direction of the Slytherin compartment.

I heard laughing on the other side of the door. I slowly knocked. The laughing died down and the door opened. I looked up and saw Draco. "Amy?" He asked. I rolled my eyes "Draco?" I asked back. He smirked "What do you want?" He asked. I smiled " to see Chris please" I replied. He nodded slightly and opened to door so I could enter.

"Hes over here" Draco said, leading me to a table. He sat dow and draped a arm over his girlfriend, Biancas, shoulder. She smiled at me "Hi Amy" She said. I smiled back "Hi Bianca" I replied. "Amelia" A voice said. I turned my head "Chris" I said slightly angrily.

My brother frowned at me "Are you angry Amy?" He asked. Well Duh. "Yes" I replied. He tilted his head in confusion "Why?" He asked. Well you didnt call or write all summer. You forgot to meet me at the train station. And you broke all you promises. "You forgot me" I replied quitely. Chris raised a eyebrow "And?" He asked "We dont have time for, crying, Amelia" Wow he was harsh.

I blinked at him "Bye then, im going to sit with a mudblood or whatever nast names you decide to call them. I call them my friends" I replied and turned for the door. "Bye then" He said. What on earth was wrong with him? I opened the door and left for Harrys compartment. When I reached it the door was open and Hermione was waiting for me. She closed the door behind me as i found the boys. "Well?" Ron asked. I sighed.

Sometimes I hate life. I didnt know how to answer Rons question. Normally Chris was kind, well only to me. He had never been this mean not even when he fed my ice cream to a seagull when I was five. He gave me a hug after. I ran a hand through my dark hair and looked up at Ron and the others.

I was about to answer when there was a knock on the door. I glanced up as Hermione answered it. "Is Amy there?" I heard Chris's Voice say. Hermione shot a look at me. I nodded and stood up. I walked over to the door and stood infront of Hermione. "What do you want Chris?" I asked.

He gave a sad smile "To apoligise" He said. I raised a eyebrow. "Why should I accept the apology?" I asked. "Listen Amy im really sorry, i've just been stressed and I couldnt call because I do NOT like phones and I couldnt write cause I sprained my hand"

As he finished he raised a hand that I saw was bandaged. I knew he wasnt liying, he's very bad at it. I smiled "Fine, I accept you apology" I said. He grinned and hugged me.

I pulled away "I have to go now" I said. He nodded "See ya soon, Kid" He said as he walked away.

I re entered the compartment and sat by the window. I curled up on the sat and hugged my small frame. "Imma go sleep" I said to the others. Harry smiled "Ok, we'll wake you when we're there" He said. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Strangely enough I dremt of seagulls eating ice cream....

Bitter Sweet -A Hogwarts Love Story- [01]Where stories live. Discover now