Bitter Sweet -A Hogwarts Love Story- [03]

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Bianca’s P.O.V.

I woke up when somebody smacked my face, “Ow! Draco, what are you doing?” I heard laughter, “Not Draco, he’s in the bathroom. It’s Blaise, he asked me to wake you up.” I groaned, “Way to do it gently!” He shrugged when I opened my eyes, “Draco just said: ‘Wake Bianca while I use the bathroom. Do whatever you have to do; she’s a heavy sleeper.’ So I did I tried waking you up gently but you didn’t respond, so I smacked you.” I rolled my eyes, “Whatever! Are we at Hogwarts?” Blaise shook his head, “Almost, like five more minutes.” I nodded, “How long do you think before Draco comes back?” Blaise groaned, “It’s always Draco, Draco, Draco with you! Why can’t I get a ‘Hi Blaise? How you doing!’ instead of a, ‘my gosh, Blaise! Now where is Draco?’” He laughed after that so I knew he was joking. I glanced at Chris and noticed he wasn’t talking I was about to talk to him when the compartment door opened revealing: Draco and Mei.

“Hey, Draco! I thought you went to the bathroom? Why are you with Mei?” Draco smirked, “You’ll find out soon enough.” I made a confused face and patted the spot next to me signaling for him to sit down. He walked over smiling and sat down next to me taking me under his arm, as Mei sat down next to me. Draco started to hint at that he was working for Voldemort; that he was a Death-Eater. Blaise found it amusing, I was awestruck. And right when he was done talking the train arrived at Hogwarts. I got up and held out my hand for him to hold. He just continued to sit there and said, “You guys go on; I want to check something.” That struck me as odd, but I left anyways.

“What do you think he’s doing?” Mei asked as we exited the train. I shrugged, “How should I know?” She looked me in the eyes, “Well, he is your boyfriend.” I sighed, “It’s not like we talk about what he does every second of the day.” Mei smirked, “That’s right, because you’re too busy doing other more pleasurable things.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “We don’t do it that often!” She waved her hand impatiently, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m surprised you’re not pregnant yet!” I groaned and sped up my walking so I was ahead of her. I reached the carriages and waited a few minutes for her until she caught up with me. I began to open the door before she stopped me, “aren’t you going to sit in the prefect’s carriage?” I rolled my eyes, “I didn’t even sit in the prefects compartment, neither did Draco, I’d rather sit with you.” She released my hand and I opened the door. There was someone else sitting in there. He had hair slightly darker than Draco’s, pale blue eyes like Narcissa Malfoy, and pale skin: It was Draco’s older brother, Named Luca. “Hi, Luca.” I said awkwardly as I sat down across from him. Luca was much darker than Draco, and I was a little afraid of him. If I was at Draco’s house, Draco was always with me and that made me somewhat less nervous when I was near Luca. Luca nodded at us and then proceeded to stare out the window. The ride to Hogwarts was steely quiet, and very awkward. I practically jumped out of the carriage when we got to our destination.

Once we were out of earshot from Luca, Mei looked at me and said, “Nervous much?” we both laughed and walked into the Great Hall. I looked at the Ravenclaw table and found Cho Chang; giving her my usual beginning of the year glare followed by a sneer that I hoped looked as intimidating as Draco’s trademark sneer. I didn’t hate the Gryffindors but I did hate most of the Ravenclaws.You see Cho and I had some bad history, which I would rather not go into at the moment. Finally we made it to the Slytherin table, where Blaise was waiting. I sat down next to him and just as our food appeared on the table Draco walked in, he looked very pleased with himself. He sat down next to me and kissed my head. “What happened?” I asked. He just smirked, “I taught Potter a lesson.” I looked around and sure enough Potter was not in the Great hall; Whatever. “Hey, Bianca.” Draco said to me, “Will you sleep up in my dorm tonight? I have a surprise and some news for you.” I shrugged, “Sure.” He kissed my lips.

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