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DJH (10:17PM): tell me about your friends !!

NKH (12:19AM): Hi to you, too. Was that weird? Too forward? It's only been like, a day.

DJH (10:20PM): relax , it was cute 🙊 tell me about your friendsssss

NKH (12:24AM): Okay, okay lol. Well, my best friend is named Lauren and she's from Miami. She's a sophomore like me, and our other friend is named Ally. She's a senior and she's from Texas too so obviously we bond over being southern. 😊

DJH (10:28PM): they seem nice .. im really glad you have good friends in your life

NKH (12:30AM): Yes, I am blessed. What about you? Any friends?

DJH (10:32PM): not really lol , just one who is also from miami .. her name is Camila ? she moved here a few years ago .. she's my age but she didn't miss a year like i did

NKH (12:36AM): I'll ask Lauren if she knows her. What's she like?

DJH (10:39PM): we dont really talk anymore .. she goes to school here , but shes always so busy that she doesnt really have time to see me 😕

DJH (10:40PM): but its ok because im mostly home with my family anyways .. gotta keep my grades up too

NKH (12:42AM): Dinah...I'm sorry. You deserve friends. Friends as great as mine.

DJH (10:43PM): you can be my friend ?

NKH (12:45AM): I'd be honoured.

DJH (10:46PM): alright , first things first .. friends have each other's numbers 😏

NKH (12:47AM): Good one. Give me yours 😋


im glad I have people actually reading this fic but PLZ check out my camren fic im actually working hard on that one lmaoo okkk bye

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