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Dinah (7:43PM): Mani💙💙

Dinah (7:43PM): sorry i've been m.i.a all day ! it wasnt you i promise

Normani (9:44PM): Dinah Jane! Where have you been?! I was starting to get worried!

Dinah (7:45PM): im at the hospital 😔

Normani (9:45PM): What?! What happened?!!

Dinah (7:50PM): nothing its a long story .. i forgot my phone this morning so i couldnt text u and tell u i had a dr's appt .. n i didnt get it back til now

Normani (9:52PM): That doesn't tell me why you're in the hospital. And weren't you JUST at the doctor's?

Dinah (7:53PM): ill tll u oennday manni

Dinah (7:54PM): imjssed u sosmuch tdiay

Normani (9:54PM): Dinah? Are you okay?

Dinah (7:57PM): itks thendrusg immon oxyxgrne n theyr gvijg me durgs so it hurrts lesss

Normani (10:00PM): Hurts less? What are you talking about?

Normani (10:10PM): Dinah??

Normani (10:28PM): Goodnight, Dinah

Normani (10:47PM): Stay safe, I hope you're sleeping well & you feel better 💜



double update xoxo

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