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Normani (11:09AM): GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE 💜💜💜


Normani (11:15AM): I'm sorry if my caps were scaring you off

Normani (11:29AM): Dinah?

Normani (11:34AM): Come on. You ask for my number and then ignore my texts?

Normani (11:38AM): Dinahhh! You should be awake. You have school. And I shouldn't be texting you during school. But I can't resist.

Dinah (9:46AM): sorry lol i have a doctor's appointment at 10:30 and got to sleep in and miss school

Dinah (9:47AM): i wouldve told you about it but i forgot until i was halfway ready this morning and my mom told me i could go back to bed 😩

Dinah (9:47AM): this happens every damn time ! lmao

Normani (11:53AM): Oh, thank gosh. I thought you were actually ignoring me.

Dinah (9:55AM): never!

Normani (11:56AM): What's the doctors appointment for?

Dinah (10:01AM): stuff

Dinah (10:01AM): sorry thats vague lol

Normani (12:02PM): It's don't have to tell me

Normani (12:03PM): But you know, you have yet to send me a selfie.

Dinah (10:04AM): selfie for selfie ? 😊

Normani (12:05PM): Selfie for selfie. You first.

Dinah (10:11AM): IMG_1432

Normani (12:14PM): Holy hell.

Normani (12:14PM): You're stunning!

Normani (12:14PM): Oh my gosh

Normani (12:15PM): I thought your profile picture was CUTE. I was NOT prepared for this!

Normani (12:15PM): I'll have you know I'm at lunch with Lauren and Ally and they're both looking at me like I'm crazy because I spit out my drink!

Dinah (10:16AM): your turn 😇

Normani (12:19PM): IMG_0005

Dinah (10:20AM): you say IM stunning ?! have u seen yourself ??

Dinah (10:23AM): good thing im on my way to the doctors right now !!

Dinah (10:23AM): i might have a heart attack !!! 😩😩💙

Normani (12:25AM): Both Ally and Lauren think you're gorgeous💜

Dinah (10:28AM): well both me & me think YOU are gorgeous ! 😏 i gotta go now but ill talk to you later 💙

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