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Normani (11:13PM): Lauren is so happy about the whole Camila thing. They haven't talked since Camila left!

Dinah (9:14PM): dang .. im so glad theyre talking again then lmao😂

Dinah (9:14PM): chancho texted me about it earlier .. turns out she had a lil crush on lauren back in the day 😏

Normani (11:15): Chancho?

Dinah (9:15PM): my nickname for her smh !!

Normani (11:16PM): OH! Well, I may have to tell Lo that...she'd be happy to know.

Dinah (9:18PM): huh ??

Normani (11:19PM): Watch.

Lauren was added to the conversation

Lauren (11:20PM): What's going on? Is this an intervention?

Normani (11:21PM): No, you fool. Dinah has something to tell you.

Dinah (9:21PM): do i ??

Lauren (11:22PM): Mani. I have a huge assignment due tomorrow. You know this. Just tell me

Normani (11:24PM): It's Manibear to you.

Normani (11:24PM): Someone is on their period, I see😒

Dinah (9:24PM): how'd you know ??

Dinah (9:25PM): oh , you were talking about lauren ..

Dinah (9:25PM): oops ..😂

Lauren (11:26PM): Normani if you don't tell me I'm coming over there to whoop your REALLY NICE ASS

Dinah (9:26PM): back off ! she's mine 😡

Normani (11:26PM): God, you are SO gay.

Lauren (11:27PM): Thank you

Dinah (9:27PM): mila had a crush on you when she lived in miami btw

Dinah (9:28PM): she was young so she didn't know .. but she realized it today when i told her about you , she FREAKED OUT when you texted her

Lauren (11:28PM): My little Camz. I always knew she was into girls.

Lauren (11:28PM): She was always so obvious. Did I tell you she would ALWAYS check out my ass?

Lauren (11:29PM): AND she was always kissing me on the cheek.

Lauren (11:29PM): Tryna tell me "that's just what friends do, I do it with all my other friends".

Lauren (11:29PM): SO DID I, but she made it seem...different somehow.

Lauren (11:30PM): Kinda gay.

Lauren (11:30PM): But it's ok because I am too.

Lauren (11:45PM): Hello??...

Lauren (11:50PM): You invite me to your group chat and then you leave

Lauren (11:50PM): Jesus Christ.

Lauren (11:52PM): You guys are probably sexting each other.

Lauren (11:53PM): Gross😷

Lauren has left the conversation

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