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Dinah's POV

"Dinah!" I felt a heavy lump land on top of me. "Wake up! Wake up, Dinah!"

"Regina," I whined.

"Mom wants you up for school," my little sister hopped off my bed and ran out of the room.

My phone said it was only 6:30AM, so I had another 15 minutes to sleep. It also said I had no text from Normani. Sighing, I unlocked it and played around on it until my alarm started blaring.
I made my way to breakfast before getting dressed because the sound my stomach made told me that was probably a good idea.

"What are you doing up?" Mom asked when I was getting my cereal.

"Regina told me you told her to wake me up," I glared at my sister.

"No," she shook her head and shoved a spoonful of food into my little bother's mouth. "You've got another doctor's appointment today."

"Seriously?" I groaned and stomped back upstairs.

My bed was still unmade and it was calling my name, so I set my alarm for 9AM and passed out. I love sleeping so much, and I'm such a heavy sleeper that I'm amazed an alarm can wake me up. But it does, at exactly 9AM.

My doctor's appointments are always at 10:30 in the morning, so I hit snooze a few times before actually getting up and throwing on a new t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts.

When I got downstairs, my mom had already poured me my cereal in a bowl and left the milk jug on the table for me. She was probably in Seth's room putting him down for his morning nap, which I was grateful for because I had a headache and I liked eating my meals in peace.

"Ready to go?" Mom asked once I had finished and set my dishes in the sink.

"We've still got half an hour," I said.

"Exactly," she took her keys from the bowl on the table and made her way to the door.

"We're ten minutes away from his office," I furrowed my brows.

"You'll never learn, will you?"

We were already out of the door and in the car so I decided against putting up more of an argument. The ride was quiet for the most part; I didn't feel like talking. We made it to the rehab clinic and my mom walked in before me. She went to the counter to tell them I had an appointment, and I sat in the waiting room, watching the news.

A nurse walked out a few minutes later and called me in. My team of specialists were waiting in the room for me, sat around a table with a pens and paper.

"Milika, Dinah, so good to see you," Dr. Jefferson said, waving my mother and I to the table.

"You, too," Mom smiled at him and sat down.

"So, Dinah, how have you been?" he asked, after I had sat down.

"I'm good," I nodded and all the observing doctors started writing on their sheets of paper.

"You had a physio appointment...last week?" Dr. Jefferson looked at me for confirmation, so I nodded. "All right. So...we're going to start a new plan today, okay?"

"What for?" I asked. "My current one is fine..."

"Yes, exactly," he took off his reading glasses to look at my mom and I. "You're used to your plan now. You need a new one; a more vigorous one. Otherwise you'll never make any progress."

My mom agreed, so the three of us, along with the observing team, started writing out a new plan. It took two hours to get everything perfected. I was already exhausted just looking at it, but this was the only way I could get better. And I really wanted to get better.

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