twenty eight

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NERD-mani (9:32AM): Dinah?

My Dinah (9:33AM): yes , mani ?

NERD-mani (9:33AM): Actually, Mani's still asleep. I stole her phone to text you.

My Dinah (9:34AM): lauren or ally ?

My Dinah (9:34AM): nvm , dont answer that .. its lauren. ally would never

NERD-mani (9:35AM): Smart.

My Dinah (9:36AM): i try

My Dinah (9:36AM): so whats up whyd you message me ?

NERD-mani (9:37AM): We have to talk about Mani. It's kind of serious. You can't freak out.

My Dinah (9:38AM): oh no ..

NERD-mani (9:38AM): It's nothing bad. It's just that she's been way too shy to tell you.

NERD-mani (9:38AM): But she really likes you.

NERD-mani (9:38AM): And she's so scared'll resent her if you found out.

NERD-mani (9:39AM): She's scared that you won't want to speak with her anymore

NERD-mani (9:39AM): Not even that you won't like her back. That doesn't matter to her.

NERD-mani (9:39AM): Well, like, it does, get it.

NERD-mani (9:40AM): I know you probably think I'm a terrible friend for breaking her trust and telling you.

NERD-mani (9:40AM): But I know she's been super obvious with you and you're either in denial or you're oblivious

NERD-mani (9:41AM): She would never be straight up about it. You know Mani.

NERD-mani (9:41AM): Anyway, you don't have to reply or anything. Just food for thought. Don't break her heart. Let her down gently.

My Dinah (9:42AM): what makes you think id let her down ?


A/N: for y'all who dont get the damn name thing itll make sense chapter 30 smh...

EDIT: or yall lazy asses can go BACK a couple chapters and read where they discussed changing each others contacts

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