thirty eight

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NERD-mani (1:15PM): Hey, when's your break?

My Dinah (11:16AM): next week

NERD-mani (1:16PM): Me too. I'm going to Atlanta

NERD-mani (1:16PM): To visit family and stuff

NERD-mani (1:17PM): What are you doing?

My Dinah (11:19AM): im prob jus gonna stay home , lol

My Dinah (11:19AM): milas going home to miami to spend time w lauren

My Dinah (11:20AM): tho u prob already know that 😋

NERD-mani (1:21PM): I'm only going to Atlanta for a few days

NERD-mani (1:22PM): So instead of flying back to Houston, I could fly there?

NERD-mani (1:22PM): And spend a few days with you?

My Dinah (11:23AM): really ?? like no joke 😐

NERD-mani (1:24PM): No joke, babe. I miss you

My Dinah (11:24AM): i miss u too mani 😔😔

NERD-mani (1:25PM): 😌

NERD-mani (1:25PM): Shouldn't you be in class, young lady?

My Dinah (11:26AM): lunch

NERD-mani (1:26PM): Okay

NERD-mani (1:26PM): Well, in that case

NERD-mani (1:26PM): Hello 😘

My Dinah (11:27AM): its over now lol

My Dinah (11:27AM): im on my way to history😬

My Dinah (11:27AM): im soooorrryyy babyyy

NERD-mani (1:28PM): 😤

NERD-mani (1:28PM): Fine, I should work on this paper anyway

My Dinah (11:29AM): ill talk to u later mani 💙💙

NERD-mani (1:30PM): Bye DJ 💜

My Dinah (11:30AM): see ya babe 😜


A/N: i hadn't even noticed how long it'd been since i updated til right now OOPS

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