1. Wake up, Wattpad!

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Clichés are done and over with! Well, at least they should be done and over with. But amazingly it seems clichés may never leave this site. Great, just great. That's just bloody brilliant!

Come on, Wattpad. What's with all the clichés? It's become a sickness! A sickness I tell you! No good!

So let's take this one cliché at a time, and note this might take awhile. We got a lot of ground to cover. Let's begin.

Number One:

Now stop me if you heard this story plot before. "Omg! I can't believe my favorite band kidnapped/adopt me, and now I'm their sex slave but its okay because I might actually like it. Whaaa...???"

So yeah. It's kinda weird to have your perfect, white, female main character get kidnapped by the people that they are obsessed with. Especially since you make the character a sex slave? What? And then they like it? Why?

No one would enjoy because a fracking sex slave! Unless you are trying for some kind of more serious story involving Stockholm syndrome, but let's face it. These people writing those fics probably aren't smart enough to write those kind of stories since they make simple spelling and grammar mistakes.

Why is that even a cliché on Wattpad?

Also, you Can Not have a band adopt a kid 16+, and later have that character date their now adopted father who is much older than them.

Does pedophilia not exist to you? Not to mention that they are now father and daughter (or mother and son on rare occasions). So that's even weirder. At last before it was like 17 to like 23 in the kidnapping ones.

Band fics usually aren't very good, with weird and stupid clichés to spare. Especially with a certain band I know that I will not about because I have friend who does enjoy them.

Now that got those out the way. Next cliché!

Number Two:

You racist?

Legit question. Because all I see are stories about a some white chick or some greasy white dude. Now, maybe where you live there's not many Hispanic/Black/Muslim/Jewish/Mixed Cultured/etc people where you live, but where I am there's barely any completely white people.

I mean, there are white looking people, but they are not. I have a very Hispanic friend who is very pale. Hell, I'm Hispanic and people think I'm white! (Which I get offended by. Excuse those people).

But in stories they are just straight up white as white can get. Maybe if you're lucky, a supporting generic black person. Probably using the left over racism from the Transformers movies.

Now, now skin color/cultural background/religious beliefs shouldn't change too much how the characters act or effect the story unless it's what the story is based on or something similar to that. Like writing about how life could of been for a person of color in like the 50s or something interesting like that. Although, that usually takes some talent, and skill to do it correctly.

But seriously it's not that hard to just change your characters skin color from white to literally anything else! I'll take fracking green skinned assholes at this point, just give your characters some more variation besides generic white assholes! Yet *signs* I digress.

On to three, shall we?

Number Three:

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