Chapter 4

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When I open my eyes, I know instantly something is wrong. My body is soaked in sweat. I grab my head. It's pounding. I'm in a dark room, and I can tell by the interior that I'm still at the same house of the party. Something touches my shoulder and I scream. Hands cover my mouth, and a face comes into view. Its Peter. He puts his finger to his mouth and let's his hand off of mine.

"Peter? What's going on?" He scrunches his eyebrows and his dark brown eyes hook me.

"What's going on is that I found you in the bathroom, passed out." I passed out in the bathroom?

"I don't remember anything after I stepped into it."

"Are you taking drugs?" He smirks. My throat tightens. Did he really just ask me that? A breeze blows through the open window.

"No! I mean-" I feel like I had taken drugs. I know I wasn't given any. The only time it could have possibly happened was when I was at the punch table with Peter. I was watching my drink the whole time. My stomach drops. Except for when Peter was asking about Claire. I remember how jealous I was, and I couldn't stop staring at her. "Someone spiked my drink?" This has never happened to me before. I knot forms in my chest. Peter scratches the back of his neck.

"It's possible. Stuff like this happens all the time." How can he be so relaxed about this? Of course his drink didn't get spiked. Mine did.

"I need to find Claire." I get up to leave, but a nauseating feeling overcomes me. I falter.

"Whoa there." He chuckles. "If you want to get back on your feet, I would go buy some weed from the sketchy guys outside." I glare at him slightly. The second attempt to walk out is a lot smoother. When I open the first door I see, it brings me back to the kitchen. The music is still booming, but the house smells more like alcohol. I definitely need to get out of here. Peter is right behind me. Just as I walk out the front door, something bumps me in the rib cage. When I turn around, it's Claire.

"Whoa Ivy. You look, a little weird." She smiles as her drowsy eyes turn to Peter. He can't hide the smile on his face. At first I think she is wasted, but a closer inspection tells me she's just overly tired. Great, I can't drive. I apparently have drugs in my system, and the symptoms clearly haven't worn off yet.

"Think you can give us a ride to her house?" I ask Peter. He shakes his head yes and walks in front of me.

The ride back to Claire's house is silent. Claire leans her head on the window as she tries to keep her eyes open. My hands shake in my lap. Peter keeps his eyes intently on the road.

"Thanks for giving us a ride. I feel bad for taking you from the party."

"It's no big deal. While you were passed out, things were getting a little freaky." He says. "You gave me a reason to bolt."

When we get to Claire's house, she is barely awake. I tell Peter to wait in the driveway as Claire and I walk up to her porch.

"I'm gonna go to my moms house tonight. I have to be with Danny. I'll explain everything about the party tomorrow." I tell Claire. She nods her head slowly and says goodbye.

"You're not staying at her place?" Peter asks as I shut the passenger door.

"No, I have to visit my mom. Parents are divorced."

"Life can be a bitch sometimes." That I can agree with. My life has been a living hell since the divorce. Peter starts the car, and we're back on the road.

"Thanks Peter." I stare out the window, the stars peek out from the dark clouds.

"For what?" he asks.

"For not letting me sit in the bathroom like some druggie. And for taking me home." He smiles.

"Not a problem."

Danny is curled up right next to me. Her rhythmic breathing put me asleep easily when I got home last night. I suddenly remember what happened. My drink, Peter, Claire. It all seems like a dream looking back on it. But it wasn't. I definitely won't be partying for awhile. I hear a loud thud from outside. I look at my alarm clock. 4:30am. My legs quietly slide out of bed. Thankfully, my door is already open so I don't have to deal with the creaking.

"Ivy, what are you doing?" Danny looks at me rubbing her eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom, go back to sleep." She lazily lays back down. I turn my attention back to the thud. It's dark, but I don't want to turn any lights on.

I peek my head around and see my mom against the wall. My heart jumps into my throat when I see a tall slim man on her, groping her. How can she move on so quickly? Dad is falling apart. When I think I hear my mom's bra strap pop, I slip back inside my bedroom. Once again, I fall asleep thinking about the divorce and dad....what is he going to do when I see him?

I'm going to continue with this story until I'm completely finished. Please leave comments and feedback too! I will post a new chapter every week, so if you want to follow the story, follow me and I will keep you updated! Thanks guys :)

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