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Here it is, the story you've all been waiting for. I'm so incredibly excited I can't even tell you :)) You DO NOT have to have read Hope to start this story, although, if you'd like to hear more of Lydia, Hope's mother's backstory, head over there next. But now, let's begin our story...

Dallas Winston. The baddest man in all of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Everyone knew the stories. Everyone knew how the dirty Greaser died. How he had a prison record about five miles long, starting when he was as young as ten, and how he died before eighteen. He was scary and dangerous. He stole things, beat people up, scared and harassed everyone that got in his way. My biological father.

Ponyboy Curtis. The greatest man in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and probably even the world. Not too many people had heard of him. He was a Greaser too, but not mean, cold or dangerous like Dallas. He didn't steal or beat people up, and didn't have a prison record. I've grown up thinking this man is my father. But for 16 whole years, I was lied to. Ponyboy Michael Curtis is my step-dad.

I guess I should have guessed it before. Neither of my parents have my color hair, or eyes. My mom has dirty-blonde hair, and so does Ponyboy. My mom has blue eyes, and Ponyboy has greenish-grey. I have brown eyes and hair, both dark as mud. That's how they always described Dally. I never thought too much of it.

That is, until a stupid Freshman started making fun of me. I don't know why I listened. She's been bullying me since I was in second grade and she was in Kindergarten. Being two years younger than me, I'd never taken anything she'd said to heart. That is, until now, I guess. Because nobody messes with my family.

She told me that her mom used to tell her stories about a guy. He had a big crush on her and he always flirted, but she didn't like him at all. He never got over her, and just to try to make her mother jealous, he went and did some things with my mother. And then he died. She said that man was my father, but never said exactly who the man was. I refused to believe it was true, not that it even made any sense, anyways. My parents are both in the picture, unlike hers. Or so I thought... At that point.

Dallas Winston was a Greaser, a term we don't use anymore. My dad-Ponyboy- was one too, along with my mom, but neither were ever nearly as dangerous as him. They all had a gang, my dad, his brothers, my Uncle's Sodapop and Darry, Dally, his close friend and Ponyboy's best friend, Johnny Cade-who I just heard about for the first time when my mom told me about Dally- and a few friends of there's: Steve Randle and Two-Bit Mathews, both of whom I call my uncles out of respect. I never really thought about how close my family was to him. And the even weirder thing to think about is the fact that I probably would have called Dally my uncle if he weren't my biological father and still alive.

The weirdest thing of all, though, is how famous this man was. Of course, if you get shot by the police before you're 18 years old, you'll probably be pretty well known around town, but he's known all over Oklahoma. He was one of the world's baddest JD's, and everyone knew it. People thought he was crazy, mentally insane. And he probably was, thinking it was okay to knock up my momma when he was 17 and she was only 14.

That's the toughest part to grasp. The fact that my mom was so underage. I probably should have realized it before, I mean, she's 30 and I'm 16, it's simple math, but she's so classy and ladylike and sweet it's easy to overlook it. It's also kinda hard, now that I know, to overlook the fact that my mom cheated on Ponyboy to have me. It's that fact there that makes me think I should have seen it all long before...

I have neither my Mom's charm nor Ponyboy's good looks. I don't have Uncle Sodapop's movie star handsome looks or Uncle Darry's ice blue eyes, or a personality like any of them. My personality is like my mom's in some ways. I'm dedicated and smart, but I have a touch of rebellion in me that neither of my parents have. I get good grades, like both of my parents, but that comes from working hard, and that's a way you're raised. It's probably the only thing I got from Ponyboy.

Nope, the rebellion came from Dallas Winston, and I've hid it for as long as I could. I've never smoked, never drank, snuck out, gone to a party, never ever done anything bad. But maybe this would be my chance. My chance to own it. To be just like I've always meant to be. My father was a JD? Maybe I'll be one too, just like him.

A/N: Our action starts in chapter three, this was mostly a quick little introduction, thrown together because my Wattpad is stupid and deleted the original chapter.
If you have a chance, I'd love to hear some feedback! What did you think? Are you excited for more? What do you want to see in this story? How often should I update?, exc. I love you! :*

The Delinquent's Daughter {An Outsiders Fanfiction - Sequel to Hope}Where stories live. Discover now