Part 12 - Prettier

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A/N: Firstly i want to thank you so much for 1000+ reads! And sorry i didn't update for more than a week, i was in my cousin's house and there's no wifi so i couldn't update, but i update now:)

Secondly, i might start a new fanfic:) and maybe i'll start editing some chapters so i'll tell you if it's already edited!

Here's part 12!

*Allison's POV*

"Okay then" i took a sip of my vanilla latte. "Where do you want to go?"

"My friends are in another mall nearby, do you mind if we join them?" He nervously asked.

Yes, i do mind.

"It's okay" i lied.

"Okay let's go" He stood up, offering his hand to me. I hesitantly took it and stood up.


Nathan intertwined our fingers as we walked to a restaurant. Nathan's hand went to my waist, signalling his friends were near.

"Nath!" A guy waving his hand to us. I recognized that they're my friends from school. There were some girls too. But i had nevet talked to them before. Maybe it's because they're so popular and i'm just... me. They were looking at me like i'm a poo or something.

"Hey.. Um.." The same guy talked as we headed toward them. I thought he is Brandon.. Yes he must be Brandon.

"Allison" Nathan answered for me.

"Who are you?" A blonde girl from my math class eyed me from head to toe in disgust. I couldn't remember her name. Kathy? Kelsey?

"I've just told you like 2 seconds ago, Kastilla" Nathan rolled his eyes. Oh yes Kastilla! Such a pretty name for a fake with tons of make up.

I sat between Nathan and Brandon. A guy from my english class sat beside Nathan. Kastilla sat across me, between her brunette friends, Sasha and Angel. A blonde guy sat beside Angel. He must be Angel's boyfriend cause they kept eating each others faces. Ewh. Maybe you think it's weird that i didn't know some of them. Well once again, i'm nobody in the school. They are in a whole different world from me.

I started to think it might be a little awkward for Nathan to hang out with his exs. Yes, Kastilla, Sasha and Angel are Nathan's exs. But every bitch in my school lost their virginity for Nathan right? Maybe he had already gotten used to it.

"Nathan, you are going to the party tonight right?" Brandon asked as he took another sip of his beer.

"Of course mate" Nathan chuckled. "And you're coming" Nathan whispered to me.

"O..kay?" I trailed off, giving him a questioning look.

None of us ordered food, we only ordered some sodas or beers. We chatted for hours. Well i mean, they chatted. I only listened to whatever they were talking. I didn't enjoyed the topics, though. They talked about how disguting every geeks in our school are.

"You all know Jaymi, the foolest geek in the world right?" Dave, Angel's boyfriend talked, holding his laughter.

"You're the foolest lad in the world" i said in my mind. Matter of fact, Jaymi always has the best score in every subject, except P.E of course.

"Yesterday i 'accidentally' bumped him and his glasses ended up broken when it fell. He took his glasses and cried!" All of them, except me of course, laughed. Even Nathan laughed his ass off. Seriously Nath?..

"He could just go to mall and buy a new one" Sasha muttered in such a voice.

"His parents won't have the money, duh" Angel rolled her eyes. They bursted out laughing. It's not even funny at all. I really wanted to tell them one by one that they're the most disgusting people in the world, including Nathan. How could he has the heart to laugh about people's financial?

I squeezed Nathan's hand that held firmly on mine. He looked at me but i ignored his gaze, i just watched as the ice in my soda started to melt.

Hours had past. They kept talking about rubbish topics that made me want to puke at their faces. But Nathan didn't really involved to the chat anymore, and i was glad he didn't. Kastilla sometimes winked or bit her lip whenever she and Nathan gazes met. And Nathan rolled his eyes as response, but she kept doing it anyway. She constantly gave me a disgusted look too. Woah i think somebody's jealous.

"So Allison, are you and Nathan dating?" Brandon's question drifted me off my thought.

"No" i said curtly, Nathan chuckled.

"You seem like you aren't interested in Nathan, when it should be the opposite" Sasha eyed me in disgust.

"Shut up. You're not even prettier than her even with those crayons on your face" Nathan blurted. I just, wow. I mean, Sasha is pretty! Maybe she put on too much make up, but she still is very pretty.

Did that mean Nathan think i'm pretty? That means Nathan's obviously blind.

"But i can make you scream louder" she winked to Nathan. Seriously?.....

"Shut up" Nathan groaned. "Let's go home Alli, see you guys at the party" Nathan stood up and pulled my hand.

"Bye Allison" Brandon gave me a genuine smile. Geez he's quite attractive. I waved slightly at him as i stumbled to Nathan.


"You didn't have to do that" i sighed as we walked to my house's porch.

"Do what?" He played with my fingers that still intertwined with his.

"Protecting me. I think it'll get me in trouble" i looked to my feet. Nathan's hand went to my chin, tilted my head so my eyes were facing his.

"They won't dare, and i'm just telling the truth. You're much prettier than her." he caressed my cheek.

"No i'm n-" Nathan cut me off by pushed his lips to mine. His hand went to the back of my neck, preventing me from letting go. Our lips moved in sync as i kissed him back. Minutes later we pulled away, breathless. He rested his forehead on mine, looking me dead in the eye.

"You are beautiful" he smiled. I slightly pulled away and made my way to the front door.

"Bye Nathan" i waved to him before entering the house.

"Are you dating Nathan!?" I turned to the voice. My mom.

"Umm no" i answered, but it sounded more like a question.

"Then why did you kiss him?" She giggled. What's wrong with you mum ugh.

"He kissed me" i corrected, rolling my eyes.

"But you really should date him, he's such a good boy" My mom clapped her hands.

I wish you know the truth, mom.

A/N: Heyy! So i want to say that i won't update unless at least 10 readers choose how the ending will be like! The options are on the part 10 so go check it out and just comment to choose. I'm sorry but i really need it cause different ending means different plot. Thank you:)

we heart it: or imdirectionermofo tumblr: or h-a-r-r-i-e-s-twins

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