Part 19 - Lovebirds

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A/N: Hey guys! I wanna say thank you to all of you who've waited for me to update the next chapter, i really appreciate it! And thankyou for more than 9k reads ily! x and also don't forget to answer the question on the end of the chapter!:)

Dedicated to @SarahK143

Part 19

It had been a month since Nathan gave me his car. Our relationship had been very great. Nathan still continued teaching me how to drive & I could drive pretty well now. He still didn’t let me drive on my own though, unless if I wanted to go to his house, which was literally in front of mine.

Had I mentioned that my dad was working across the world now? Yes, his company sent him to USA. New York to be more specific. He’d be there until I finished my 3rd year, which was still in about a year or two, cause I was still in my 2nd year. My mom was visiting him for a week before going to some vacation with her friends for 2 weeks or more. They were travelling the world while I was here, all alone in this, may I add, huge house. It was a little too big for 3 of us, considering that Max didn’t live here anymore.

But now that I was with Nathan, I didn’t feel really lonely anymore. And i had hung out with Tiffany a lot recently. We didn’t just meet in the races anymore. I had introduced her to El too and three of us had been bestfriends since then.

And yes, I was still going to the races, but only on Friday or Saturday nights, not like Nathan who went almost every night. Thank God he won a lot, I couldn’t imagine how broke he would be right now if he didn’t win as much.

One day I joked about wanting to join the race too, and he didn’t take it very well. He told me it was very dangerous and I could be killed by my opponents, in purpose or not. “But you still do it though” I answered when he kept telling me about how dangerous the race is. After that we kept silent until I said sorry to him at the night, even though I didn’t do anything wrong! Apart from that we didn’t really have any argument, and if we did it probably about who was going to pay the lunch or skipping classes.


With house music blasting on the MP3 play, I and Nathan drove to school. Well, Nathan drove the car to school, while I tried to dance in the limited space of the passenger seat. This was just going to be another Fridays, driving to school, going home and getting ready for the race, right?

As we walked hand in hand in the hallway, I could see Nathan’s friend already waiting in front of his locker. I was already used to see these people, or may I add, these disgusting, arrogant, brainless people. Dave, who was leaning against his locker, saw us first. He signalled his friends that we were coming and they started to look up. Dave’s gave me his famous smirk and I snorted. I didn’t know about this guy but I really hated him, and it seemed like he did the same to me.

On other hand, I thought Brandon was different from the rest of his friends, including Nathan. He wasn’t arrogant like his friends, and he had a really good grade. I talked to him sometimes and I could say that he was really friendly and funny. But I’m not that brave to talk to him more often or text him even though he had my number, because Nathan didn’t really want me to be friend with his friends.

We walked closer to them and they started to greet us. Well, they greeted Nathan, but I was with him so I assumed that they greeted me too. Ha-ha.

“I’ll be on today’s race” Brandon whispered not so softly to Nathan. It wasn’t necessary though, cause the others were too busy with themselves, and with the geeks who walked past us. I felt sorry for them.

“Really? That’s great. See you then,” Nathan said, his tone not really excited apart from his excited answer.

“Yeah, see ya mate,” Brandon muttered. Then he looked at me, giving me a lopsided smile. “See you too, Al” He spoke more clearly. I smiled for response. Then he walked to his locker, taking his bag, and walked to his class, alone. I could feel Brandon starting to keep his distance from his friends, I didn’t know why.

I heard Nathan muttering something beside me, but I couldn’t hear it clearly.

“Pardon me?” I asked.

“He likes you,” he muttered more clearly, but still with a low voice so only us could hear it.

“No he doesn’t” I rolled my eyes.

“Yes he does. He even told me after I got you home from the restaurant,” I remembered that day. It was the same day as the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I even remembered the time he defended me from Sasha. I smiled at the thought that I didn’t realize Nathan was intently looking at me.

“Why are you smiling?” He asked with a not so amused tone.

“No it’s just- I remembered when you defended me that day,” I looked up at him, grinning like an idiot. He later smiled too, obviously know what I was referring to. When I felt him slightly leaning in, I heard someone clearing his throat, making us broke apart.

“Get a room you lovebirds,” Nathan’s friend, which I still didn’t recognize the name, shouted. Nathan chuckled lightly while I madly blushed. Well, yes, I’m a virgin, and things like that wasn’t really familiar to me.

I was taken back from my endless thought when the bell rung loudly. Oh shit.

“I haven’t taken my books from the locker!” I panicked & shouted a little bit too loud for just me and Nathan to hear. His friends looked at me jokingly. “Not like you, I wanna study hard and have a great job someday,” I thought to myself.

“Calm down Allison. C’mon let’s go to your locker,” Nathan chuckled, taking my hand. We walked to my locker, taking my books, he then walked with me to my class before leisurely walked to his without any books or bag, like usual. I smiled to myself before making my way to my class and sat beside Eleanor, who already smiled at me.

“Hey lovebird”

I know it's short and i'm sorry. i accidentally deleted this when i first wrote it and i can't find the will to write all of it again,so i'm just gonna update the small part of it. i'll upload very soon tho, cause i already know how the story will go after this. there'll be lots of drama! prepare yourself;)

Question for the chapter!;)

The boys not-so-recently-but-i'll-still-call-it-recently said that they wanted to end the feud between them and One Direction, what do you think about it?

My opinion: I really agree about it and i hope 1D do the same, because i'm a Directioner too and it's really hard for me to watch two of my favorite band hating each other.

See you soon! x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2013 ⏰

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