Chapter 10

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"See we are here." I jumped out of the car and saw my new friend form when I was in reehab. She was in the play ground and there were no kids or any one else there so I ran to the play ground and climed to the top of the play house and laid down in the roof. "Hey Emily" i said and she look around her. "Look up" She looked up and saw me. "Hey Olivia what are you doing here?" I had never told her who my family were. "Just getting some ice creame with my family, friends and girlfriend" She nodded then I saw that Demi and the others saw that I had ran to the play ground and ran to me. "Baby sis be carefull." Dallas said running with the others behind her. "I'm okay Dall." I said and Emily turned around and saw Fifth harmony, Demi and Demi's family run to us. "How do they know you Olivia?" I jumped down and hugged her and wisperd in her ear. "meet my family, friends and girlfriend" I pulled away and Lauren took her hand around my waist. "Is that you'r family?" I nodded "Demi, Dallas, Madison and Dianna is my family. Fifth harmony is my friends." I said and Lauren looked at me. "Oh yeah and Lauren is my girlfriend." She nodded and then a little boy ran to her and called for her "Emily" he said "I gotta go bye Olivia, Demi, Dallas, Madison, Dianna and Fifth harmony" We hugged and did you'r complicaded hand shake. "Bye don't stop writhing songs." i said and she smiled "Just if you don't stop been awesome." I nodded and she ran to the little boy and picked him up. I turned to the others and we got ice cream. "Hey who was that" Demi asked me and everyone turned to look at me. "It was someone that I met in reehab." They nodded. "What aboute we go home and play a game." Mom asked and we all agreed and went back home. "What game?" I asked them. "What aoute Truth or dare?" Camila said. She realy love this game "Okay. Who is starting?" "Emmm... guys just play I gotta do go do something." Mom said and walked out. "Can I start?" Madison asked. "Yeah" We said at the same thime. "Okay Olivia truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to tell us why you have stopped singing" I sighed knowing that they would never give up on that. "Okay I stoped singing becouse all of you guys are so much better then me." "Awww... Olivia dont say that. You are realy good you just have to see it yourself." Normani said. "You'r realy good and even if you stoped singing you still have that parkour thing." Lauren said. I nodded and my phone made a sound. I picked it up and saw that it was a alarm. "Practice parkour" It said. Guys I have to practice what if we go outside and you guys can play and I can come inn some times?" They nodded and I practice and we played. When we were done playing it was realy late. "Guys it realy late and all of us look like we are going to fell asleep on the spot. Lets stop and go in our beds to sleep" Ally said everyone got up and started walking. Lauren and the girls were wwith the door and were aboute to leave. I got up and ran to them. I still had energy. "Hey someone still have energy I see" Normani said "Yeah I have, but guys will you sleep over? It's already late so?" I asked them and they got a little more energy and nodded. "Okay so we have a guest room you can sleep in. Our do you wanna sleep anoter place?" I asked them "I know were Lauren wanna sleep." Camila said and she blushed. "Well I know that to but were do you guys wanna sleep?" I said "Guest room" Normani said and we walked up to the guest room. When we went to sleep I saw that Ally walked to Demi's room and Lauren of course came to me. "Hey baby" She said opening the door just a little and looked inside not sure if she could come inn. "Hey just come inn" She walked inside and closed the door. Then she came to my bed and sat down. "Hey why did Ally walk into Demi's room?" I asked Lauren and she touth abote it and said. "I don't know. Maby they are dateing and we don't know aboute it." I nodded "Come on lay down with me. It's room for you too." She laid down and we cuddeld up. She kkissed my neck and found my sweet point. I mummbled and she dident stop. She had so much control over me now. After a wild she stoped and we just laid there and fell asleep. I woke up and were aboute to go take a shower when someone pulled me back. "Were are you going babe?" Lauren asked me. "To take a shower" "Can I join?" "I don't think so" I said and walked to the bathroom. After not so long someone came into the bathroom. "Yeah Lauren?" I asked knowing that I was her. "I'm'm comming with you" "Fine" She then came and took a shower with me. After the shower I gave Lauren a tawel and she put it abound her and looked at me up and down. "Like what you see?" I asked and she nodded. I just started lathing and got dressed. Lauren did the same and we walked downstairs and nobody was up. So me and Lauren found out that we were going to wake the girls up. We walked slowly inside and jumped on them and almost screamed. "Good morning, time go get up" They sat up and I saw that Ally wasent in here. "Okay I'm gonna go wake up Demi and the others." I said and left the room. I had woke everyone exept Demi and now walked inside Demi's room slowly and saw Demi and Ally cuddeld up so I had to take a picture. I took a picture of them and then jumped on the bed were they laid and screamed "GOOD MORNING" They sat up and looked at me "What?" I asked "Why did you do that?" Demi asked "I was going to wake you guys up, but can one of you guys tell me why you dident say that you guys are together." "Emmm... It's just that... I don't know." Ally said and I nodded aboute to lath but ran back to the girls. "guys, guys ,guys" I said and triped in something but Lauren cath me. "Take it easy" she said and helped me up. "I can't I just found out that Demi and Ally are together and look at the picture of them cuddeld up." I showed them the picture and they started to awww. We walked down and talked aboute Demi and Ally dateing. I went to make some food. I was making pancakes. When I was done I got everything on place. I surderly feel realy dizy and hold on tight to the table. I heard someone comming and then it disepird. "Good morning. You have made breakfast" Mom's voice said behind me. I nodded "Yeah let me just bring the rest of the girls and we can start eating" She nodded and sat down waiting. I walked inside the livingroom and everyone were there even Demi, Ally, Dall and Maddy. "Girls breakfast" I called and everyone ran to the kitchen. We walked inside and ate. After we ate we were just sitting there talking when surtendly everythig turns black.

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