Chapter 32: Goodbyes and Hello's

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"Hello?" I hear a male voice on the other end.

A voice that I almost don't regonize. But I do. I can still hear the old him a little bit.

"Dad, I need a plane ticket. I'm going on a trip and I will be using your credit card"

I don't wait for a response. I just hang up right away. That's it, that's all he gets from me.

I sigh and get out my Mac laptop. Then I go to the Tampa International Airport and buy a plane ticket to New York.

"Last call for passengers boarding flight A13" is spoken over the intercom and I wait in line, being one of the last people.

I have my only suitcase as a carry on so when I land I can get a cab and go to where I need to be.

I hand the gate attendant my ticket, which she scans, and walk onto the plane. I have never really been scared of flying, but flying alone seems different.

If this plane goes down, the I'm all alone in the end. And with that lovely thought I sit down in my seat.

I pull out my labtop and begin typing an essay for history. I emailed all of my teachers and go the makeup work required for missing two or three days. This way I won't get behind again.

I have missed a lot of school. Honestly homeschooling would have been a great option for me. Just online school. But of course my dad, well the one who cared about me, wouldn't allow it.

The pilot announces we are about to take off so I put my computer away and shut the little table I was using. Then I buckle up and squeeze the arm rest by me.

I am the only one in my row and I'm sitting by the window so I really would die alone.

No, that's enough. I need to think happy thoughts. Think of my mom and Nathan and Cayla. And my Daddy.

Just calm down Alison. Take deep breaths. In and out. In and out.

The plane begins lifiting up and I close my eyes and pop my ears. I am just trying to focus on anything but. Which feels impossible when the loud noise of the plane jet is in my ear.

A few minutes later I feel someone shaking my shoulders.

"Mam, its alright now. We are in the air." A young flight attendant is trying to comfort me.

I look up at her and nod. Then I let out a breathe and release all of the tenseness in my muscles.

I'm alright. She said its fine. I can stay calm.

The lady gives me one last smile and walks down the aisle seeing if there are any other crazy people freaking out. Oh god. I can't believe I just freaked out like that.

I turn to look out the window, trying to distract my mind, when some boy sits down next to me.

I give him a glance then continue to look out the window. All I can do is hope that he won't flirt with me. Please don't. Please don't.

"Oh my god, I love your hair" he grabs my hair and starts to play with it

I take a sip of water nervously when it hits me. I start laughing and water shoots out my nose. Ouch! That pain is excruciating!

He let's my hair drop and looks at me confused.

"You're gay!" I excalim trying to explain my lack of self discipline.

"Oh well duh!" He laughs

"I thought... I thought you were-"

"Flirting with you?" His eyes are filled wit humor

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