Chapter 31: Real Love

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My phone is ringing. Whoever's calling has been calling for a long time. My mind is telling me not to answer it because I am too tired. But eventually I feel my arm reach around and answer.

"Hello" wow my voice sounds raspy. I cough a little bit to clear my throat.

"Aly! Why haven't you been answering" Nathan exclaims

"Sorry, I was sleeping" my voice is sounding a little bit better.

"Alright, well get up! I'm coming over, I'll probably be there in five" he sounds so sure

"Um actually Nathan can I just meet you at the coffee shop?"

I don't know why. But I just don't want him coming over. I haven't seen my dad in a while and I don't want to risk anything.

"Alright fine!!!" He tries to sound annoyed but fails "I guess I'll turn all the around"

"Thanks babe" I say quickly hanging up.

Right away my phone rings again. I giggle to myself and answer.

"Um excuse my Aly! But I didn't hear three words that we always say"

"Three words? I'm sorry can you remind me what those are?"

"I love you!!" He yells

I burst out into a fit of laughter thinking about Nathan driving I'm his car screaming I love you. I'm laughing so hard I almost can't say it back.

"I love you too" I continue to laugh

I hear Nathan make a kissy noise and then hang up. After I finish laughing I go upstairs to get ready for my day.

I'm in my car driving when I realize how weird laughing felt earlier. It has been so long since I've been able to sit down and actually laugh. To just let go and be happy.

These past few days have been really hard for me. All I have been thinking about is my past, and its taking a toll on me.

All of those sad things about my friends are done and over with. I really shouldn't dwell on it. I mean of course I forgive those friends, but I don't think I'd ever trust them again.

But it doesn't matter. I shouldn't let things that have happened affect my future. I need to just let it all go.

But then there's these memories of my mom. I can never let those go. Because she has no future. Everything that has happened is all that will ever happen to her. Her memories are her future.

I miss her so much. Its days like today when I really think about things that I realize it. And I miss my dad. Because what he has become is not him. Its a new him.

Through all of my thoughts I realize that I am here. I step out of my car and lock the doors. Then I walk inside where some girl is working.

She smiles at me brightly and points to the back room. I give her the same polite attitude and head to the back.

Nathan is laying on the couch sleeping. I laugh at the sight of this and squeeze my way next to him on the couch. I carefully move his arm around me and feel safe.

Its been a long time since I have felt this comfortable and safe.

When I am finally woken up I check the time.

Crap it's already eight. We slept all day.

"We slept all day" Nathan basically reads my mind from behind me.

I stretch a little and hold his hand.

"I love you so much" I say as I stare at our hands.

"I love you more" he replies

"I love you so much more than you would ever know, then she wrapped his arms around him" I turn around and hug him "and gently whispered, I love you most" I give him a peck on the lips gently

"Where'd that come from?" He asks

"It was a children's book I used to read with my mom. It was all about a little boy and his mom. The mom was telling the boy how much he loved her and the boy told the mom" I laugh at this memory.

Nathan looks at me closely "Your eyes light up when you talk about your mom. I feel like she's this big part of you, but you don't talk about her a lot. You should more often."

"I just miss her" I say turning around

"Yeah well" Nathan turns me back to facing him "You can keep her alive. When you talk about her, you're keeping a part of her alive"

I take a breath and sit up. Nathan does the same and we cuddle into a more comfortable position. His arms around me, me leaving into his chest, it's all a lot better.

"My mom was always so happy. She was always smiling and laughing. When I would get home from school she'd always be there, waiting with an afternoon snack. But believe me she wasn't perfect. She was very forgetful. She would always leave her glasses or her phone lying around. And she'd always be searching for things. But I loved that. I loved seeing her not so perfect. I loved that she messed up sometimes. She was also stubborn. Whenever she and my dad would have occasional fights, she would never stand down, even if she was wrong. Cause that's who she was. She loved her family though. And my daddy. Some nights I would hear them laughing and dancing to music together. He never drank when she was around. Never did bad things. Because he always wanted her to be happy. When anyone made my mom upset or sad, you would instantly regret it, because she was too sweet. When she cried my dad would do anything to make her happy. I just miss her is all. And in a way I miss him. I miss him with her"

Tears are rolling down my cheeks. But these tears feel different. They are happy tears. Happy that I got to have my mom tears. I am happy that I can think about her and have a reason to smile, a reason to cry.

Natam holds me and kisses my for head "That was beautiful"

I hold his hand again.

"What about you Nathan, do you have any family you want to talk about?" I question

"Honestly Aly, I don't. My parents work so much. They aren't around much. But they're in love. Just like your parents were. When I see them together I smile because I know that they love each other. I can just see it. Its the look in their eyes that tell me" he's kind of staring off into space as he speaks

"What look?" I whisper looking into his eyes

"This one" he answers

Then he pulls me in for a kiss.

Alright so another update! I really would like to finish this soon so I'm updating more hopefully. Thoughts on the chapter?

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