Chapter 37: Stormy

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Its raining. My alarm just went off but I didn't go back to sleep. I just went to my room and watched TV. Now all I can hear is rain.

I groan as my feet hit the ground. Then I get up and shower. When I'm finished I pull on some clothes and head to my driveway.

I don't know when I made the decision to not go to school but I have. I start the ride to the coffee shop. My last and only connection to Nathan.

On the way I stop and buy a knew iPhone and transfer my number. I don't need to worry about my phone hacking.

The lady in the store was very nice. She sent me warm smiles but I really can't smile right now. My smile is full of hurt. It's not even real.

I park my car right up front and walk in with all my hope. Which isn't much.

When I open the door I see am unfamiliar middle aged woman working. She gives me a look that says she hates her job and I return it with a glare.

Instead of ordering I sit on the couch and put in headphones. Ed Sheeran fills my ears and I am at peace.

Until of course I am interrupted a half hour later.

"Um lady! Are gonna order something or what!?" The middle aged woman who's name tag identity's her as Karen rudly says

"Oh um later." I say quietly a bit intimidated

"How about now?" She snaps

"A small iced coffee?" I hand her money

She just hmps and goes to make my coffee. When she gets back she basically slams the cup down.

I don't know what to say except "Thank you"

She doesn't respond.

The day goes on and the storm gets worse. Finally Karen leaves and Kevin is there to take her shift.

For some reason when he see's me his face looks nervous.

"Hey Kevin" I sit atop the counter ready for social interaction

"Oh um hey. Can I get you something?" He avoids eye contact

"Frozen hot chocolate?" I ask

He nods and begins making my drink. I am trying to make conversation.

"So um you're working a lot more?"

"Oh um yeah. The owners are going through some stuff and they need help" he caps my drink and hands it over.

I give him money "The owners?" Nathans parents

"Yeah the owners" he open up the register

"You know them?" He must know something

"No not really" still avoiding eye contact he closes the register.

I just nod and look down. I shouldn't pry for information. He doesn't know anything.

When I look down though my eye catches something. A newspaper.

I jump off the counter and bring it with me to the couch to read. The whole time Kevin's eyes are watching me.

I begin to read about a boy. A boy who has recently battled cancer and lost. He's dead. But he was a writer and he wrote about girl. And when I reach the end of the article I learn the boys name. Nathan.

The paper slips from my hands. I sink down. And then I cry.

"Alison?" I look up and see Kevin

"Did you know" I shout

"I found out today" he sheds a tear

"He's gone! I love him! And now he's gone!" I scream

Kevin reaches for me but I grab my things and run into the storm. I get in my car and start to drive.

The roads are slippery and I can barley see. I'm too numb to feel.

Next thing I know glass is flying everywhere.

My body flings forward but is held back. I can see blood and the car is flipping. I scream and then it stops.

In front of me I see my phone. I reach out my finger and dial 911 when they answer I can't speak.

I struggle for air. I am going to die. I can feel it.

I think about his smile. His blue eyes and laugh.

I am okay with this.

The last thing that comes to mind before death is being with Nathan.

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