Chapter 36: Dreams

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I'm drowning. I can feel my lungs collapsing on themselves. Water is sorrunding me and I need air.

I open my mouth and suddenly I can breathe. Air fills my lungs but water is still around me. It doesn't make sense.

My grandpa and my mom appear in front of me. They smile warmly and I know that they're here. They reach their hands out and I grab them.

The begin to float away with no effort, dragging me behind them. I feel very free and calm.

They laugh and bubbles float up. I laugh too because they seem happy. Finally we reach an opening and they let go of me but I don't let go.

They both shout "Alison! Its time to let go!"

"I can't!" My voice sounds desperate.

They look at each and nod. Their hands vanish and I am falling. I scream so loud trying to get them to save me, but they don't.

They just watch as I fall more and more until I can't see them. And finally I fall all the way down. My body slams on the ground and blood replaces the water.

Once again I can't breathe. I grab my arms and struggle more and more. All I can see is red and the blood begins to sting my eyes.

My skin is burning up and I am in so much pain. No matter how much pain I'm in my mind cant stop thinking about the other pain in my life.

My mom is dead.

My grandpa is dead.

Cayla hates me.

Nathan is gone.

The bullies are right.

The blood has now begun to burn my eyes and I shout and try to close them but I can't. The sound of Nathan saying I love you just like he did before he left echo's through my brain.

I begin to shakes around and cover my ears trying to get it all to stop. No matter how much I struggle the pain is still there.

Then I get an idea. I stop struggling. Stop trying to breathe. Stop shaking. And stop covering my ears. I just let my body lay down. I give up.

And it all stops.

I wake up drenched in tears. When I take a breathe my throat throbs with pain. I look down at my arms and see scratches on the cuts.

That dream felt so real. I remember it in detail. I remember everything that I felt. It scares me. Actually it terrifies me. I don't want to feel that pain ever again.

And the way to make it stop is the scariest.

I calm down a bit and go downstairs and sit on the couch. Its only 9:30 and I don't think I can sleep again. I call Nathan but get no answer. Frustrated, I throw my phone. It slides across the floor and I just think.

My mom would laugh if she were here. My daddy throws things when he's mad and she loved that.

I remember one night they were arguing about something. I was watching in secret as they screamed at each other.

I don't even remember what they said. I just know that my dad got mad and threw a brand new plate. Instead of getting mad my mom laughed.

She laughed so hard tears were in her eyes. My dad watched her, face still red, and eventually beagn to laugh to.

He switched on the radio and they both began to dance careful, as to avoid the glass covering the floor. He swooped her down and they looked in love.

They were in love.

Memories like those make me think love is worth it.

But is it? Is my time with Nathan worth all this pain. Or was it something I should regret.

No its not. Love is worth it. All of those moments.

Those days Nathan would sit with me on the couch. They days I would be on the counter while he made me a surprise drink.

The twinkle in his eyes when he saw me. It made me feel so beautiful and special. I felt like I belonged.

And right now it just hurts. Because that's all gone. And I don't know if I'll have that again. All I can do is hope.

I want my Nathan back, but I also miss Cayla.

I remember when she was in the hospital, how worried I was. That's probably how she felt when I left unannounced. It wasn't fair. I was just happy and sad ams it was too much to handle. It still is.

I can't believe I hurt her. I'm a horrible person.

I get up pick up my phone. When I open the hacking appears again. Its the same one as last time, but I still cry. I go over and grab the land line and call Cayla.

She answers immediately.

"Hello" she sounds anxious


"Oh my god. Thank goodness its you Aly. I've been worried and mad and upset and we just need to talk." The sweet sound of relief in her voice fills my ears

"That's what I was thinking I just-"

She cuts me off " I actually have to go, but I'm coming over tomorrow after school. I'll call you" she hangs up quickly.

That was weird. I wonder if she has a date weith pizza boy. That would make me happy but also upset. I'd want to know these things. Oh well. Tomorrow. It'll all work out tomorrow.

I sigh and lay on the couch. I resr head without realizing that I am fallimg asleep.


"Nathan?" I see him. He's here.

I run to him but he pushes me down. I fall and pain runs threw my heart.

"You feel that!!! That's hurt! That's what you caused me"

I start to cry "Nathan! I am so sorry! Please come back!"

He kicks me in the gut and a memories of Jessica beating me in the parking lot returns to my brain.

"That doesn't even do what you did justice!" He's yelling so loud

"Please?" I whimper out

He kicks me again and the scenery has changed. We're on the top of the cliff me by the edge on my feet now. When I look over I see the water. The blood filled water.

When I see the anger in his eyes I let out a yelp. I know what he's going to do.

"Please no" I beg

He was no remorse in his blue eyes as he pushes me over the cliff.

I brace myself to wake up but I don't. I keep falling till I hit the water. Then I fall to the bottom.

Right as I hit the bottom, chains hold me down. The more I struggle the more pain I feel. Finally I realize something.

I am trapped.

When I wake up I feel the same as last time. The pain is still real. And I am still trapped.

The pain follows me out and in the dreams. I'm stuck in a nightmare.

Whew! Finished! Thanks for the read!

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Have a good day or night and Merry Christmas if I don't update <3

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