Chapter 3: Homeschooling

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The next morning I woke up in the coffee shop.
I found a note sitting on the table that said:
Had some stuff to take care of. Hope to see you later today
~Your Friend

I smiled at seeing that. I liked having a new friend.
I got up and checked my phone it said 8:13.

I should be able to make it to school by third period.

I go outside and start up my car. I make it home to my big house.
I walk inside and up to my room.
Now I know your thinking where are my parents?

My mom died when I was 13 so we moved here. My dad said the memories were too painful.

The house is huge and he's almost never home.

He's a big time lawyer and he travels a lot.

So I barley see him. I think he's in New York.

I turn on the the shower and hop into the hot water.

I could stay in a hot shower forever. Well actually I can't I have school.

I get out and get dressed. I pick or a sweater, skinny jeans, and converse.

Nothing too flashy I get enough attention as it is.

I run downstairs and make my way towards school.

When I get there I park and sign in at the front office.

I walk into third period already nervouse. Jessica's in that class.
When I get there Jessica gives me a dirty look and turns around and whispers something to the girl next to her.

They both turn around and giggle at me. Wow real immuture.
After third I made the horrible decisions of going to lunch.
I was starved because I didn't eat breakfast.

I usually go off campus if I'm hungry but I forgot my wallet at home.

So even though I'm not at lunch a lot when I do go there's always this table that let's me sit them.
They just talk and they don't ask me any questions.

So it works for me and for them.
While in line I try to ignore most people.

I oder a pizza and fries. The food is actually good here.

I carry my tray over the the table I sit at.

They all stare at me. Some gave me shocked glances others gave me disapproving glares.

"Um listen Alison, you can't sit with us. We don't want to be know as the people that are friends with the school slut. Sorry"

"Oh um okay. Ya that's no problem sorry"I say this I hold back tears.

When I turn around to walk away I almost key word almost ran into Jessica.

But she took this as an opportunity to push my tray towards me.

All my food landed on me in one swift motion.

"Oops sorry. You should probably watch where you're walking"

Everyone is laughing and I panic. What am I even doing here. No one wants me.

I cry and run out and into the bathroom to clean up.
I pick up my phone and call my dad.

He answer after three rings
"Daddy please call the school and let me check out. I don't feel well"I say in the sweetest voice possible.

"Honey you know I don't like you missing school." His voice booms.

And then for the next second I let myself sound weak "Daddy please I need you"

He gives in obviously sensing that something's wrong "Alright honey but don't make a habit out of it."

"Thank you" I whipser

"Bye honey I love you I should be home tomorrow"

I hang up and wait a few minutes for his text.

Finally I get the okay and go check out.

When I get home I shower and put on pajamas.

Sitting there on my bed I found a solution to my problem.


It's what I had to do. I spent the next few hours learning about I online high school.

Aournd 5:30 I feel alseep.
I awake to the sound of someone downstairs. Fear strikes through me as I wonder who.

I grab my old baseball bat and slowly make my way downstairs.
When I finally see the person I drop my bat and run.

"Daddy!!!!" he wasn't supposed to be home yet

"Alison, I missed you" he said wrapping me into a hug.

"Why are you home so early? How long are you staying? Can I be home schooled?"I blurt out these questions fast and all at once.

"Wow, slow down. I'm home because I knew something was wrong with you. But I have to leave tomorrow morning. And homeschooling? But honey I thought you liked school"

Oh if only he knew what I was going through. But I could never tell him. He would freak and probably sue someone.

"In don't know dad. I just don't feel like I fit in. I would much rather be home schooled. And not everyone is that friendly or nice to me"

"Alison I'm sorry but no. I wish I didn't have to be the bad guy but I can't let you run away from your problems. So how about for tonight we leave it at that and spend time together. We can oder Chinese and watch your favorite movie "Clueless"

"Ok I guess. As long as we can get orange chicken" I say with a sigh

He doesn't understand but I'm going to take his advice and focus on tonight.

I've really missed him. He reminds me of my mom and he's my only family. So I go get the phone and oder Chinese.

The next few hours I feel relaxed. Me and my dad talk about his work and things feel normal.

Well until I have to say goodnight and goodbye to my dad for a while. I'll miss him.

"Goodnight Daddy I love you" he pulls me into a hug.

He looks at me and says "Goodnight sweetie. You know your mother would be so proud of you. Being such a brave girl. I love you"

He kisses my for head and walks away.

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