The birth of a beautiful thing

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(Sorry I haven't updated in forever. This is set 1 year during summer)
"You exited to go back to camp guys?" Katy looks back at us from the passenger seat. We are in Cristy's mini-van. Which is not that much smaller then a normal van. Driving back to gay camp.
"Yes!" We all shout. We consisting of Becca, Jesse, Nick and myself. I was texting Jayda earlier and she wont be there this year. But we will all be apart of the same cabin again.
"Your beautiful," Becca says from behind Nick and I.
"Thanks you aren't so bad yourself," Nick says and we look back to see Jesse and Becca making out. Already? She was just talking? They've been dating for S 10 months now.
"Hey no PDA," I say and they laugh.
"Like you two have never made out in public before," Jesse says.
"Only when there's a really homophobic guy around. Or just you guys," Nick says.
"That's not the only thing they do with us around. Kev don't make me bring up the incident," Katy says. Now I mostly refer to her as mom. Cause she is awesome and is like a mom to me.
"Mom don't," I say and instantly Jesse asks "what incident,"
"Well a few weeks ago. I walked into Kevin's room. And Nick was with him," Cristy says.
"I hate you two," I say trying to hold back a laugh.
"I love you to Kev," Katy says then leans her seat back all the way so her head is resting on my lap.
"Hey hes mine," Nick laughs holding up our hands which we are holding.
"Geez Nick that's my mom," I say and kiss her on the fore head with a laugh. She smiles and moves her seat back to its previous position.
"You know I've always wanted a son," Katy says.
"Well now your stuck with me," I laugh.
"Not stuck. We love you Kevy," Cristy and Katy say at the same time.
"I hate it when you two do that," I say then look at Nick and say"why can't we do that?"
"Well we can do that one line," he says and I instantly remember.
"What line?" Becca asks.
"I love you," Nick and I say at the same time. And kiss each other.
"Hey. I said no more kissing for a week in front of me!" Katy says.
"Hes mine now Nick," she says and leans her seat back again.
"I'll fight you for him," she continues and puts her fists up.
" you can have him then," Nick says.
"Oh really now?" I ask.
"Yeah. Katy could kick my ass," Nick says. And we all laugh but him and Katy.
"What?" He questions us.
"I would kick his ass," Katy says.
"Ooo. Turn this song up this is my jam," Katy says shooting up leaving the chair back before laying back down on it with the song blasted at the beginning.
We all know instantly what song it is. Perfect be 1 Direction and we get ready to sing. We have made this kinda our squad song and we have been known to sing/yell this song in the middle of the street.

When we are finished singing I look at Nick and kiss him.
"I JUST SAID NO MORE KISSING. You know the punishment," Katy says and I need to kiss her on the fore head again or she will kick my ass and Nicks.
"Come on Katy they are so cute," Becca says from the back of the van.
"No. Hes mine now!" Katy says.
"Your so stubborn sometimes," I say and hold her hand. But this means that I can't hold nicks anymore.
"One sec," Katy lets my hand go and then whispers something to Cristy.
"Fine. If you love him so much," Cristy says over sarcastically then pulls to the side of the road. Katy then gets out. Goes to Nicks side. Opens the door. Gets him out of the van. Picks him up and puts him in the passenger seat. Before sitting next to me. And puts her head on my shoulder and holds my hand. "That's better," she says and Cristy starts to drive again.
"By the way guys. Two people need to share a bed. In our cabin. But forget it if you wanted it cause Katy called it. To share with Kev," Cristy says and everyone laughs.
"Your so clingy," someone says.
"Hes my favorite son Becca," Katy says.
"Hes your only son," she replies.
"All the more reason," she says.
And we all talk about random stuff.
We finally get there. It's the day before everyone else gets here but since Cristy is running the whole camp this year we had to come early. We get to the cabin and it looks the same. But there is a double bed at the back instead of the bunk beds that were there last year.
"Mom you just wanted to share w bed with me didn't you?" I ask and Cristy says "yes she did,"
I wave it off cause Katy is normally protective ever since they adopted me. I don't mind though. Im just not use to it.
We unpack and hangout in the cabin. The others go to the beach and Katy holds me back to talk to me.
"Just so you know Kevin. If I'm being to clingy you can tell me and I will tone it down," she says
"Your never to clingy Mom. I'm just not used to someone caring so much about me," I say and she hugs me.
"You are my son now and I will love you till I'm in my grave," she says before breaking the hug.
"I love you to mom,"
"Kay we should go meet up with the others," she says and we throw on our bathing suits and join them.
We go there and I hold back so I'm behind Katy. She may be older and my mom but we are still pretty much best friends. She is shorter then me to. Only 5'3 so I run behind her and pick her up before running onto the dock and throwing me off. Everyone laughed from the beach. Katy came back towards the dock. I put my hand out to hep her up but instead she pulled me into the lake with her. I swam so fast to the shore i didn't know if it was humanly possible.
"That water is freezing," I say and everyone laughs.
"Well. Don't throw your mom into it and you'll learn," Katy says.
"Fine you win I'm sorry mom," I say.
"Hey Kev," a voice says from behind me. I would know that voice anywhere. I turn around to see the blonde headed girl slightly paler from when I last saw her but still with a light tan.
"Jayda. I scream and run up to her and lift her into a hug. " I thought you weren't coming? " I say.
"Well my dad is convinced that being pansexual is fine. And found out that this camp is awesome so he sent me back again," she explains.
We catch up on what's happened since last year and everyone is talking. Until Cristy comes around.
"Guys come on, I have surprise," she says and we all follow.
"Where's old oak?" Jesse asks.
"See that building right there," she points out a building that is new from last year. "That's old oak," she says and then leads us to where old oak use to be. Which Is now just a huge slab of wood on the ground (A/N I froget if I gave exact measurements before. But it was 50x50 feet and about 200 feet tall)
There are now benches and chairs surrounding a whole in the wood. It is about 5x5 feet and what I think is iron or stainless steel surronds a foot in either direction plus its also lineing the inside of the hole.
"Do you guys like it?" Cristy asks and everyone says "yes," at the same time.

We go back to the beach. And by the time we are there the sun is setting. We all sit on the beach and look at the sun set on our lake. The lake that Nick and I had our first kiss at. The lake where I was set free. The lake where my new life was born. I'm sitting with Katy on my left whose cuddling with Cristy. And Nick on my right. I put my head on his shoulder and snuggle in. He puts his arm around me and we all watch the sun set on our beautiful lake.
When its finally set we go back to the cabin. And get dressed for bed.
"Katy close your eyes," I say and she puts a pillow over her face. I kiss Nick and whisper in his ear "I love you," before taking Katy's pillow from her. We all lie down and someone turns the light off.
"Do you guys think that this summer will be as good as last summer?" Becca asks in the darkness as Katy snuggles into me and I put my arm around her.
"Better," Katy and I say at the same time.
And soon all you can hear is everyone's steady breathing.
Katy shifts to face me in the darkness.
"I love you," she whispers.
"I love you too mom," I whisper back. And soon we fall asleep.

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