Chapter 4

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I was on edge as I wrapped my hand around the frappe that was sitting on the white table in front of me. Was Harry actually going to show up? Did he even care enough? Questions flew through my head without end. The one question that I couldn't get rid of, that was right in the front of my head was "What exactly is Harry doing to me?"

I couldn't answer that question, he was known across the internet, in fact across the world I could google him and find almost anything I wanted. He was a world renounced pop-star that every girl would kill to have, girls who were so much better than me. So why was he so fascinated by me? Boredom? Or was he interested in me?

Just then I heard a ding at the front door. I looked up to see Harry swaggering into the McDonalds, completely oblivious to the fact that just about every girl in this room is fan girling over him. But he was focused solely on me. On me.

I looked at him once again, he really was gorgeous. I mean I'd seen cute boys, I'd seen handsome boys and I'd seen downright sexy boys but Harry... Harry was a entirely different league. His hair was brushed aside so messily that his curls hung over his forehead in a perfect array. His nose was hooked at the end in the cutest fashion, while a smirk was on his lips. His eyes brows framed his forest green eyes, I was mesmerized.

I didn't realize I had my hand on my chin and mouth open before he said "Oh love, there's no need to drool"

I snapped my mouth closed and glared at him. He planted his hands on the table and swung his hips to the side to sit into the book. I noticed his hands were large and skilled which caused me to think about what he could do with those hands. I blushed beet red at the thought.

"Shut up" I snapped at him, talking a long swig of my mocha frapachinno. His eyes looked down at my pursed lips and I noticed his eyes darken, it was a purely predaory look.

I pulled my lips away quickly, "So, love, how're you feeling?" I rolled my eyes, he really needed to stop calling me love.

"I need to ask you something" I said, completely evading his question. He looked not only intriged but wondering. "Fire away baby" Okay seriously what was up with the "endearing" names? They were beginning to irritate me.

"Why are you talking to me? I'm just a normal girl, You're.... You know... You." He tilted his head to the side with a simple grin, "You intrigue me. I don't quite know, I just like you" My heart did a summersault in my chest. The Harry freaking Styles liked me? Oh no.

"Don't look so awestruck. You have to know you're a pretty girl, Ariella" I knew I was pretty but not nearly pretty enough for Harry Styles. I was plain...? My hair was a dark golden and my eyes were ocean colored, dark and sometimes mysterious. Okay, bad way to prove I was plain.

Harry grinned at me as he leaned back and spread his arms behind him, each side. "Would you like to go to the beach with me and the boys, Ariella?" I lightened up at the idea of seeing Niall again. Niall and I just clicked, not in the romantic sense but in a friendship sense. I felt like I could trust him regaurdless.

I shrugged, "Sure. I've got nothing better to do, my mom booted me out of the house" He grinned at me like a child on Christmas morning who had just gotten a new bike.

This was going to me fun.


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