Chapter 31

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Harry was here. It was a surreal fantasy that I had been dreaming about, but when I'd imagined it, it had been a grand, smiles and kisses reunion. This was far from that. I was sobbing while Harry stood awkwardly in the door way.  

Before I knew what was happening, I heard the loud, distinct smack of skin against skin. My head snapped upward as I saw Lilah standing in front of Harry, him cradling his cheek and bowed over in my pain. He moaned and stood back up, "Okay, I deserved that" he croaked. 

Lilah's light chestnut hair was shining in the lightning that flashed every few seconds, her eyes shined brightly with a seething fury I'd never seen from her. "You ever hurt her like that again, and I'll kill you!" she spit at him before shoving Harry into the wall and stomping past him, her body was rigid with tense fury. 

The tears hadn't stopped but they dripped down my face slowly, not in such full streams as before. "Why're you here?" I whispered, refusing to look at those eyes that always entranced me. "I missed you" her said, settling to the floor next to me. I started to shiver, from fear, exhaustion and just flat out surprise that Harry had returned. I didn't know what to think of that but something told me it was for something more than "he missed me" 

"But-" I hiccuped in between my words, "But you said I'd never get you back" I sobbed into my pillow. I was astounded when he pulled me into his lap, "I.. I don't know why I said that. I was scared. When you didn't say it back to me, I immediately assumed you didn't feel the same way" he murmured into my hair. 

I pulled away and looked up at into his green orbs, yet again they trapped me, staring into them I could finally identify what that emotion was that I couldn't place before. It was love. Love swirled in his eyes like the only color that could be any form of happiness, it was bright and beautiful, profound when combined with the dark regret and sorrow that swirled along with it. 

And staring at the sorrow, I decided I couldn't stand to see him like this. I couldn't not now, not when my pain was like a cut, it was almost worse than it was when he had first left me. Now the wound had festered and gotten infected because of the knowledge that not only was I destroyed, Harry had been too. 

"I can't" I said, which were the only words I could even get out. "Ariella, what do you mean you can't?" I took a deep breath, expecting that to clear my mind and give me more confidence for what I was about to say, but it did the exact opposite. I was surrounded by the familiar scent of Harry, fresh granny apples and cinnamon, combined with something that was purely him, a sweet yet spicy smell that made shivers lick down my spine. 

"I.. I need time to process the fact that you're back. I'll talk to you, I just can't right now . Please.." I choked but continued before Harry could interrupt me, "I promise, I'll call you when I'm ready" He started to object but I cut him off with something that surprised even me, I kissed him. 

Oh how I had missed his lips, because they had literally changed my life. That probably sounds cliched but it was true, they were soft and sweet yet they also burned against mine, burned red hot with our love and lust for each other. I had never loved someone as much as I loved Harry, and I hoped he felt that threw this kiss. His moaned into the kiss and gripped my hips with his long fingers, they dug into my hips and evoked something completely different in me. He pulled me onto his lap as his tongue flicked out and across my lower lip, asking for entrance. It was one hell of a fight between my heart and rationality but I knew, I had to deny him. 

I pulled away panting, "Go" I whispered, he whimpered with sadness but obliged by getting up and walking out of my bedroom door, he twisted around at the last second, his gorgeous back musules flexing under his tight black t-shirt. "Please, Call me Ariella. I'll come any time, any day. I love you" he turned his back to and marched out the door, letting my words fall from my lips, not to be heard by him. 

"I love you to" I whispered to no one.


Nightmares. That was what I was experiencing. For the first time in months, I was able to get enough to sleep to dream, but it was horrible dreams that taunted the weakness in my sub-conscious. 

It was a dream that Harry had left me. That he hated me and that he was never coming back. 

I woke up screaming and crying. For the first time in months, Lilah had decided to go partying, so she wasn't here. I was scared, Oh I was so scared. It felt real, it felt like he had actually left me based on the tight feeling in my chest, by the strangled gasped I called breathing, by the blistering headache my sobs had caused. I felt worse than I had all these months. 

My fingers scrambled to grab my phone and typed Harry's phone number into my phone, I stared at the 7 numbers across my screen. I had typed them in countless times these past 4 months but never had I hit the 'Call' button before. Until now.

The phone rang for two short rings, just 1... and 2. I was astounded when Harry's upbeat tone came on, "Hey! If you're getting this it means I can't get to the phone right now, or I don't wanna talk  to you!" He laughed, which was something that would've usually made me smile, but not now. "Just kiddin, Love! I'll try to get back to you if you leave me a message! Bye!"

Before I could hang up the phone, the message beep sounded. I stuttered into the phone as tears formed and fell down my cheeks, "I-I needed s-someone to talk t-to but you d-declined my c-c-call... I don't know what to d-do without you, Haz" I sobbed, gasping for air, "I need you back" Another sob racked my body as I continued, surprised that I could even say this.  "You're my everything, Harry!" I screamed into the phone. My hands fisted into the pillow as I cried, "But I screwed it up.." I paused, trying to even my voice and failed. "Just like I screw everything up. I'm sorry Harry...I really am." 

I didn't know what else to say so I just closed the phone and curled up around my pillow, I just cried which was something I was familiar with, but these tears were different. They were just pure rejection and regret. I cried because of my love for Harry, which was probably one of the most cliched things ever, but, for once.. I didn't care. 

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